Something More: Part 4

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Natasha was in the dreamy part of waking up. She was having phenomenal sex with Steve. Wait, was that a dream? Nat was slowly waking up. She didn't want to open her eyes yet. She was taking stock of her body. She could feel Steve laying there tangled with her. She wasn't sure if her mind was playing tricks on her, and then she realized she was naked. Yes, she definitely had sex with Steve Rogers. She smiled to herself as she remembered everything that happened the night before. They were up so late, the last time she looked at a clock was after 3am. She was still so tired.

What the hell time was it?? She opened her eyes slowly and tilted her head up and looked at Steve's face. He was pouting slightly, and she couldn't help but think he is adorable when he sleeps. Nat lifted her head off the pillow to see the clock be hind Steve: 9:12. Shit. Nat struggled between wanting to stay there forever and knowing they needed to get up before Wanda and Peter.

Natasha started to stir trying to get out from under Steve's arm without waking him. She lifted her leg that was draped over his hip, and Steve instantly tightened his grip and pulled her closer in his sleep. Nat smirked, there was no way she was getting out of there without waking him up. She kissed his chest and squeezed him with her arms. When she looked up he was looking at her through squinty eyes, "Good morning, beautiful." As he started to yawn.

"Good morning, handsome." Nat smiled as she looked up at him.

Steve was staring at her smiling. He looked different, she couldn't quite put her finger on why. Maybe he was peaceful? Softer in some way. He didn't look like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders for the first time that Nat could remember. He kissed her forehead and pulled the covers over their heads.

"I don't want to get up. I could stay here forever." Steve pulled her close again and grumbled under the sheets with a smirk.

"Well unfortunately, we have to get up. Although I do have to say, the perks of staying in bed all day with you are very alluring." She smiled at him as he pretended to get angry and then laughed. He was still staring at her, which normally would make her uncomfortable but given recent events, she felt very comfortable in such close proximity to him.

"What if I make you an offer you can't refuse?" Steve raised an eyebrow at Nat and leaned in to kiss her. Her lips, her cheek, her neck. When he got to her neck Nat giggled. Steve moved back to her lips. Nat ran her hand up Steve's back feeling all his muscles, he ran his hand down her back finding her bottom and squeezing it. Steve rolled Nat on her back and got on top of her as he grabbed her hand interlocking their fingers and putting it above their heads. With his other hand he grabbed her breast still kissing her. Nat wrapped her legs around Steve, and let out a soft moan of encouragement. Steve smiled against her lips and kissing her neck again. He moved his lips across her chest and he put his hand between her legs making Natasha's breath hitch.

Just as things were getting heated, the door opened, " Hey Nat,  have you seen Steve? Oh my god! I'm sorry!" Wanda left as quickly as she came in and slammed the door on her way out. Nat put her hand over her mouth. They both froze and looked at each other not knowing what to say.

To be continued...

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