Something More: Part 9

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Natasha woke up to an empty bed. She reached over to where Steve had been when she fell asleep and felt the cold sheets. It was a little after 6am and the sun was just coming over the hills. Nat grabbed a hoodie and leggings and went looking for Steve. They had been secretly dating for a little over a month and the summer was coming to an end. They would have to tell the team soon.

Yesterday, they came home from a mission in Chicago after a string of bank robberies had left local cops spinning and they had to step in. The mission was a success, but it did lead to Natasha and Steve's first real fight. Natasha felt bad about it this morning. She had gotten so angry at him and he was only worried about her. He put Wanda and Peter at risk, and she could handle herself. They had went to bed angry. No matter how pissed she was at him, she always wanted to be around him. It took everything in her to stay mad at him last night when he looked at her with so much concern and hurt. It hurt him deeply to see her like that, and she knew it. Even in their fight, she asked Steve to stay in her room and he agreed, she knew he didn't sleep and she had no idea when he left her bed.

She found him in the kitchen with his coffee. He was looking out the window and was still unaware of her presence. She stood at the entrance and stared at him for a moment. He was brooding again. He was only wearing his sweat pants. Nat could see a slight bruise that was already healing on his shoulder bigger than her hand were he had taken a blow for her. Nat walked slowly behind him and leaned against his back. He sat up straighter and looked over his shoulder, when he saw it was Natasha he turned back to his coffee. She wrapped her arms about his waist and put her face in the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry." She said. And she really meant it. She knows how protective he is and it's one of the things she loves about him.

Steve let of a sign and turned around on the stool. Sitting like that he is level with Nat's face but refused to meet her gaze. He put his hands on her hips and bowed his head, "I'm really sorry too Nat. I know you can hold your own. I just lost it when I saw what he did to you." He looked at her face and ran his fingers near her stitches. Natasha had been ambushed and had her forehead split open. Steve had lost it when he saw her hurt and rushed to her rescue which only angered her. She was close to blacking out but she would hate to admit she ever needed help. She knew she needed to work on that. They help each other, it's what partners are supposed to do. But knowing it and doing it are two different things. Steve brushed her hair away from her neck where the hand marks were now visible bruises. Natasha nervously brushed him off.

"I'm okay, Steve. Really. It's barely a scratch and bruises heal." She smiled at him, and pulled his head to her chest and wrapped her arms around him. He wrapped his arms around her waist. After a couple minutes, Steve pulled her onto his lap and she rested her cheek on his head. They sat there holding each other, not knowing how much time had passed until...

"Ahhmm, *cough* hmm. This is new."

Steve and Nat turned to see Tony standing there with Pepper whose mouth was wide open. Steve was suddenly very aware that Nat was straddling him. He stood up and set her on the ground. Natasha smiled and shook her head, she walked across the room and gave Pepper a hug. Pepper held her at arms length, "What happened to you??" Looking at her face and neck.

"I have a slightly more important question: WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? And: HOW MANY TIMES?" Tony practically shouted while looking from Natasha to Steve with his eyes the size of saucers.

Natasha sighed and smirked, she put her hand on Tony's shoulder, "I don't think you can count that high Tony." When Nat turned to look at Steve, he had walked across the room to them. He had a shocked look on his face staring at Natasha and was beet red which made her smile and shrug, "Cats out of the bag Baby." She gave him a quick kiss on the lips and turned to leave the room, linking arms with Pepper as they headed to Nat's room.

Tony stares after her in complete shock. He turned to Steve, "Okay, I'm going to need so many details. Like every single detail. Are you feeling okay? I feel like I may pass out."

Steve was feeling very nervous, he ran his hand through his hair and chuckled. "Umm I don't really know what to say."

"Well I'll give you a second to think about it while you get a shirt on, you're making me feel very uncomfortable with all this going on." As Tony was making a circling motion at Steve's torso.

Steve shook his head and went to get dressed. He couldn't help but wonder if Natasha was okay with this? She always played it so cool. He was hoping that this wasn't just some secret, lust infused tryst that  she would get bored of now that it was out in the open. Tony would no doubt tell everyone before breakfast.  Steve had fallen so hard in such a short amount of time, he couldn't handle the heart break. He loved Natasha Romanoff with everything he had. They had just had their first real fight and then got found out by the absolute last person they would want to know. By the end of the day all the Avengers would be back in the compound and everyone would know about him and Nat. He was just hoping they would still be together by then.

To be continued...

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