Something More: Part 39

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Sorry it took so long. I had a hard time with the vows. I hope it turned out okay :)

Natasha woke up feeling a weight on her chest. Quickly, she realized it was James as he gave her and open mouth kiss on her cheek. He never did quite understand the kiss giving thing. She smiled looking up into his blue eyes as he giggled at her.

"Good morning, handsome boy. How did you get in here?" She whispered as she sat with James in her arms.


"Wanda? Clever boy."

"Hi Nattie, Steve asked me to bring him in. He wanted to see you." Wanda smirked as she sat at the end of the bed.

"You wanted to see me?" James nodded really big. "Did you sleep with Daddy last night?" James nodded again with a smile. "Lucky duck. I missed my boys last night." Wanda cleared her throat. "I got Auntie Wanda though so I was still lucky." She tickled James making him giggle.

"Nice recovery." Wanda smiled. "Do you need help getting ready? Steve is making breakfast before you guys leave."

"You're coming too. You're family Wanda, I want you there." Natasha smiled at the young brunette as a smile crept on her face. Wanda nodded as she put her hands out for James before taking him downstairs to his father so Natasha could get ready.


Walking into the courthouse hand in hand, Natasha thought she should feel nervous but she didn't. She was so happy, and excited to finally be Steve's wife. Wanda stood beside Natasha, holding James as they got ready for the beginning of their forever.

"Natasha, I never thought I would find love and have a family. I was a man out of his time. I was so lost, and then I met you. I don't know when exactly I fell in love with you. If I had to take a guess I would say the first time I looked in your emerald green eyes. It was like I instantly had air in my lungs after feeling like I was suffocating all my life. We soon became friends and you tried to set me up on so many dates and I kept giving you every excuse I could think of because I was too afraid to tell you that the only one who would ever have my heart; is you. Natasha, you have given me more in the time we have been together than I ever could have hoped for in my life. Thank you for never giving up on me, even if I am stubborn or forget to do the dishes. I promise to love you for the rest of my life. To hold you every chance I get. To never go to bed angry. To protect you and our children above all else and to always apologize first." Steve smiled as Natasha mouthed I love you.

"Steve, I was trained to never believe in love. To use feelings against people and to never get too involved. You broke down every single wall I ever build for myself. I slowly started trusting you, and then I started falling in love with you. You are what keeps my heart beating. You have given me something I never thought even possible." Natasha rubbed her baby bump as she smiled at Steve. "I will continuously try to give you the life you deserve. I promise to always try to voice my feelings. To compromise when I can. To let you know when you're wrong, and to try and admit it when I am: which is not very often." Steve nodded and chuckled. "I love you, Steve. And I promise to tell you everyday."


Natasha was laying with her head on Steve's chest. "So when do you want to tell everyone?"

Steve started rubbing his hand on Natasha's bare back. He kissed her head, "I kind of want to keep you all to myself for a while Mrs. Rogers." He felt her smile against his skin.

"Hmm. Well I think Wanda won't be able to keep it a secret long so you better get over that one hubby."

"Hubby?" Steve chuckled.

"Yeah I don't really like it." Natasha scrunched her nose as she looked at Steve before breaking out in a smile. "I love you, baby." She whispered.

"I love you, too." Steve leaned down to peck her lips before they allowed themselves to drift off to sleep.


The last two weeks had flown by. Natasha had not managed to convince Steve to tell the team that they got married in secret and so far Wanda hadn't let it slip.

Natasha woke up in bed with James sleeping with his face in her neck. Normally he would sleep on top of her but she couldn't lay on her back comfortably anymore. The toddler wasn't happy about it but he soon found a new place to hide out.

Looking to Steve's side of the bed and finding it empty; she knew he put James in bed before he left so he would let her sleep in. Natasha started having Braxton Hicks contractions and closed her eyes as she breathed through it. She had been having them for a couple days and she knew that their little princess was coming any day now. Natasha looked to the door when she heard a quiet knock before it slowly cracked open.

"Nattie?" Wanda whispered as she saw the red head smile.

"What's up sweetie?"

"I have to go to the compound today for a training session and Tony apparently signed me up for online classes. He said I can't let my brain rot and I need to do something with myself." She pouted as she sat on the edge of the bed causing Natasha to chuckle. "Can you give me a ride?"

"Sure Wanda. Just let me get James up and ready."

"Okay. Do you want me to load up your hospital bag just in case?"

"Yes. Steve makes me take it everywhere I go as soon as I hit 32 weeks." Natasha chuckled and Wanda smiled.

"Alright. Help me up." Wanda laughed as she stood up and grabbed Natasha's hands helping her out of bed before they got ready and loaded in Natasha SUV. She pouted as she looked to her Corvette parked in the spot beside her in the garage before backing out and heading towards the Avengers compound.

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