Something More: Part 48

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"Come on, baby! Come to Mama!" Natasha squatted on the carpet trying to get her daughter to walk to her. "Come on, Sarah. You can do it!" Natasha smiled as she held her arms out to her wobbly middle child.

Sarah has been growing confidence over the last couple weeks by walking with assistance, but she has yet to take her first solo steps.

At 10 months old, Natasha was eagerly awaiting her daughter's first steps. It could be any day now and she was so excited. Sarah had been showing more and more interest in walking. James was walking at 9 months and Natasha couldn't wait. It was times like this when she really noticed the difference in the twins. Grace was only 8 months and had no interest in walking. She was a crawling machine though. Every time Steve or Natasha try to assist her in walking, she drops to her bum and crawls away.

Natasha checked her phone, which she had propped up to catch Sarah's first steps. Once she saw it was still recording, she went back to trying to coax her daughter to come to her.

"You can do it, baby! Come on!"

James ran into the room and watched his mother. He walked to his sister, "You can do it, sissy. Come on!" James ran back to his mother and sat beside her. Sarah giggled as she watched her big brother run.

Sarah took her first tentative step and let go of the coffee table. "That's it, Sarah! Good job! Come to Mama!" Natasha cheered her daughter on as she took a few more careful steps.

Sarah started giggling when she made it to her mother and threw herself into her arms. Natasha cheered and kissed all over her daughter's face. James jumped up and down, mostly excited that his mother was excited before going back to playing. Natasha stood up with Sarah in her arms and quickly sent the video to Steve. He was no doubt going to be disappointed for missing Sarah's first steps but he was on a training mission with his newest recruits and wouldn't be home until tomorrow morning at the earliest.

Natasha looked down when she felt a tug on her leggings, to see Grace pulling herself up. "Mama ma ma." Grace babbled at Natasha making her smile widen. She bent down and picked up her youngest baby, kissing her cheek.

Grace giggled before tugging on Natasha's hoodie. "Oh, I see how it is. You don't want Mama, you're just thirsty." Natasha shook her head playfully before pretending to munch on Grace and Sarah's necks. They both started giggling as she walked to the recliner in the corner. Natasha put a kids movie on before lifting her hoodie to nurse both girls. Sarah was losing interest in nursing, and only did if she was sleepy. Natasha knew both girls were due for a nap as they were both rubbing their eyes tiredly. Natasha hummed a few Russian lullabies to them as she rocked in the chair slowly. Both girls started falling asleep within minutes and were completely out as James ran into the room.

"Shush, buddy. Your sissies are sleeping." Natasha whispered as James tried to crawl into his mother's lap also rubbing his eyes. Natasha put the foot rest out as quietly as possible as James made himself comfortable with his head on her stomach.

"I'm not going anywhere." Natasha sighed as she decided just to take a nap as well. Pepper was supposed to drop Wanda off later and then she was going to stay with the kids so Natasha could give Wanda a driving lesson. She had promised to teach her oldest daughter, but with three very demanding little ones at home it had been increasingly difficult to find time.


Natasha wakes up hearing a car pull in the driveway. She looks down to see all three of her babies still sound asleep, with Grace still latched and Sarah now snuggled under Natasha's hoodie. She sees James in the exact same spot but with an added body laying next to her leg. Salem had decided to get in on the snuggle session which is the only time she likes the babies. When they are asleep.

Natasha chuckled as she thought about how Salem still hates Steve.

Natasha heard the front door before Wanda's face came into view with Pepper close behind her.

"Sorry, I would have met you at the door but..." Natasha motioned to her held down state as she whispered to her friend and daughter. Wanda chuckled as she gently picked up James and held him to her chest. James grumbled but settled down very quickly as Wanda carried him up to the nursery to finish his nap.

"These two will be harder." Natasha chuckled as she struggled to get Sarah out of her hoodie. "Sarah hates being cold, so she maneuvered herself in here."

Pepper smiled as she helped her friend and carefully picked Sarah up. She turned to follow Wanda to the nursery, leaving Natasha to deal with Grace.

"Alright, baby girl. Please be good for Mama." Natasha pleaded as she looked around the room for a pacifier. She stood up carefully, earning a meow from Salem when she was disturbed, and carried Grace to the kitchen where she found the pacifiers she had cleaned this morning.

Natasha carefully broke Grace's latch and placed the pacifier between her lips. Grace whined, and Natasha rocked her slowly and she sang in Russian quietly, right next to her ear.

Once Natasha was sure her daughter was back to sleep, she carried her up to the nursery and turned on the monitor.

Natasha and Pepper quietly left the room and headed downstairs.

"They will probably wake up before we get back. You won't have a problem with James or Sarah, they have snacks on the counter they can have. Grace has a bottle in the fridge she will want. She will be upset when she can't find me, so I'm sorry if she is cranky-."

"It's okay, Nat. We'll be fine." Pepper smiled and rubbed Natasha's shoulder.

"Okay, where is Wanda?" Natasha looked around, not seeing the young Sokovian.

"She is in the car. She's so excited." Pepper smiled and lightly shook her head. Natasha chuckled as she grabbed her phone and purse.

I'm so sad I missed it! 😫
My little girl isn't so little anymore

Natasha chuckled before responding.

Grace still refused to walk
So you have her?
She also refuses to give up my breasts so
I don't think she plans on growing up
anytime soon

Thank goodness

Natasha shook her head as she walked into the garage seeing Wanda playing with her fingers. Natasha tossed the keys making Wanda's eyes widen as she caught them.

"Your Corvette?" Wanda asked with a gulp.

"Yes ma'am. Do you not like my car?" Natasha raised her eyebrow playfully and Wanda rapidly shook her head.

"I love your car. But so do you, are you sure you want me to drive it? What if I hit something?"

"You won't. I have faith in you, дорогой." (Sweetheart) Natasha tucked some hair behind Wanda's ear and gave her a soft smile before getting into the passenger seat. Wanda took a deep breath before getting into the drivers seat.

"Seatbelt." Natasha said making her roll her eyes at herself. She was such a mom.

To be continued...

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