Something More: Part 19

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A few weeks later...

Natasha was analyzing herself in the mirror. She wasn't going to be able to keep her pregnancy a secret for much longer. She was now regretting that she always wore tight clothes. Her bump was noticeable. She had been wearing legging and oversized sweaters for the last week but it was getting harder to conceal. As she turned to the side and stuck out her belly, she blew a piece of hair off her face.

"I could stare at you for hours."

Natasha turned slowly and smiled warmly at Steve, "That's creepy, Baby."

"My gorgeous girlfriend-who happens to be carrying my child by the way- is standing in front of me in her matching bra and panties and I'm creepy for not being able to take my eyes off her? Hmm.. I don't think so." Steve gave her a goofy smile and he walked towards her kissing her cheek. Steve and Natasha were looking at each other through the mirror with him behind her, chin on her shoulder and hands spread across her belly. "You need to be more careful, Baby."

Natasha brought her hand her to face and traced the bruise on her cheek with her fingertips. "I know. I was blocking his body shots and couldn't get my hands up fast enough." She sighed before continuing, "I think we need to tell people. Even if I really, really don't want to." She turned around in his arms and snuggled into Steve's chest.

"You're 15 weeks tomorrow but other than your bump you can't tell at all, baby. I'll come with you this morning to tell your recruits if you're ready. I just want you to be sure." Steve kissed her forehead. Natasha sighed again and nodded her head. As she turned to get dressed Steve playfully slapped her ass which earned him a glare over her shoulder.

When Steve and Natasha walked into the training room hand in hand there was whistling and cheering. Steve blushed crimson and Natasha just smirked waiting for everyone to quiet down. "Alright. So, big news. Steve and I are together. We have actually been together for a while now and have been keeping it to ourselves."  Natasha paused to allow the shocked expressions and whispers. America's golden boy with an ex KGB assassin is a tough pill to swallow.

"Furthermore, we have even more news; Natasha wasn't injured, we're having a baby!" Steve beamed and kissed Natasha's temple. Natasha unzipped her sweater and revealed her bump easily seen under her tank top. Everyone seemed excited with some of the women coming to Natasha to congratulate her and the guys shaking Steve's hand. One recruit however, was hanging back eyeing Natasha and it didn't go unnoticed by Steve. When he approached him, Steve couldn't help but notice he looked nervous.

"Hey. What's your name kid?"

"Jacobs, Sir. Owen Jacobs."  The way he was standing made Steve believe he was ex military. He could see the fear in his eyes he was trying so desperately to conceal. Steve was still trying to analyze him when he felt small hands around his waist. He smiled when he looked down into Natasha's bright green eyes.

"Jacobs." She smiled and gave him a small nod.

"Ma'am. Uhh listen. I'm really sorry. I honestly got way too cocky when we were sparing yesterday. If I had known you were pregnant and not 100% I would not have been so rough. I was trying to show off. It was wrong and I'm sorry."

Natasha felt Steve stiffen in her arms so she decided to try and defuse the situation before he could respond, "Its okay Jacobs. You didn't know and I shouldn't have been in that ring. I'm having a hard time letting go of the job but it's in no way your fault." She gave him a small smile aa she rubbed small circles on Steve's back while pressing her body against his. It seemed to work and when Jacobs turned to leave with a curt nod to Steve, he did return it.

"So thats the guy that hit your face?"


"I know you're going to say that it's just sparing and that men shouldn't take it easy on you just because you're a woman but I still don't like it." Steve said with a scowl watching him walk away.

Natasha reached to cup his cheek to make him look at her, "You don't take it easy on me. You may not use full strength, but you don't try to lose." She gave him a soft smile.

"I've never hit your face either." Steve touched her cheek with his fingertips before kissing it.

"You wound me Steve. You make it out like I'm frail." Natasha frowned and looked down. Steve always treated her as an equal. How could he see her as weak now?

"I don't think you're fragile or weak or breakable. I just.." Steve sighed and brought her face back up to meet his eyes, "I know you can handle it. I just wish you didn't have to. You're tough as nails and the most bad ass member on the team, but sue me if I don't like seeing the woman I love hurt or bloody and bruised."

A smirk graced Natasha's face as she whispered, "Language." And then got on her toes and pecked his lips, "I love you, too. And thank you for trying to look out for me. I've never had anyone care like you do and I'm thankful. Please remember it's not Jacobs fault. I'm fine, the baby is fine."

"We'd better get going. Before word travels."

"Right. Baby-brain. Lunch with the team." Natasha smirked again. She grabbed Steve's hand and they walked out of the gym.

By the time they got to the kitchen, everyone was already there and the room was buzzing with everyone talking over each other. Wanda was the first to notice them and ran to hug Natasha, "oh my god! I missed you! Whoever's idea is was to send me and Sam on that mission needs to go, like honestly! 3 months is too long to not see you!" She pulled away to hold Natasha at arms length. Natasha gave her a warm smile that she slowly dropped when she saw Wanda's expression.

"What's the matter Wanda?"

"Nat... are you...pregnant?"

Natasha paled. How one earth could she know that? Wanda was obviously reading her mind, right?

"Umm... yeah I am?"

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you guys! I can sense the baby, do you want to know what it is?! It's a- " Wanda was shrieking.

"No! We are not ready! I don't want to know." Steve cut her off. Natasha rolled her eyes.

"I have been trying to convince him to find out for weeks. I'll eventually get my way." She smirked.

"Uh, Natalie? What did I just hear? Are you pregnant with a super baby?" Tony asked. The room was suddenly eerily quiet as they turned to look at all the shocked faces staring back at them, Steve and Natasha looked at each other and smiled. Throwing their hands in the air they yelled together, "SURPRISE!"

To be continued...


Merry Christmas everyone!

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