Something More: Part 45

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The following Friday came quicker than Natasha would have liked. She was feeding the kids before Pepper came to pick her and Wanda up. Steve was acting so casual about watching 3 kids like it would be easy and it was honestly pissing her off. These were her babies and he better take it seriously.

Natasha had just finished breastfeeding the "twins" and was changing their diapers when she heard someone at the door. Natasha sighed as she looked at the girls. Hopefully they would all be in one piece when she gets home or she may have to call Clint to help her bury Steve's body.

Natasha smiled at both her babies before picking them both up and heading downstairs. Finding her husband holding James at the door, while talking to Pepper. Natasha is confused until she looks at the kitchen and saw Tony raiding their fridge. Natasha rolls her eyes as she heads to the door to greet Pepper.

"Hey hot Mama." Natasha smirked at the blush that crept across Pepper's face.

"Hi Natasha. Are you excited?" Pepper have a large smile. She was excited to spend some time with the girls.

"I'm something." Natasha gave a tight smile. She was excited to spend time with them but she was also scared of leaving her kids alone. Okay, not alone; but she felt like she was leaving them.

"Mama! 'Ou go?" James asked as he reach for his mother. Natasha smiled at her only son, and leaned in to kiss his cheek. She would love to take him in her arms but they were currently full of babies.

"Mama's going to go, but I'll be back soon. Okay, baby?" Natasha kissed his cheek again before he nodded and wiggled for Steve to put him down. He took off to the living room as Natasha turned to the blondes in front of her, "Where is Peter?"

"He didn't go to the bathroom before we left so he was in a hurry." Pepper chuckled as she nodded to Peter who came down the hall. As soon as James saw him he squealed and ran towards him. Peter picked him up before he ran into his legs and tossed him in the air making Natasha hold her breath until he was safely in Peter's arms again.

Wanda bounds down the stairs with a smile on her face. She was looking the most forward to spending the day with Natasha. It had been a long time since it was just the two of them and even if Pepper was coming, Wanda would take it.

"You look cute, дорогой." (Sweetheart) Natasha smiled as Steve took Grace out of her arms. With her free hand, Natasha brushed Wanda's bangs out of her eyes.

"Thank you."

"Okay, we got this babe. I can handle it." Steve reached for Sarah and kissed Natasha's lips, "Go have fun." Natasha took a deep breath before grabbing her bag and looping her arm with Wanda.


The women were wandering around the mall. Natasha mostly bought for the kids. Wanda bought a few items of clothing. Pepper was spending a lot of money on many different things. She said she was spending Tony's money so it was fine.

"I have to run to a store... can you go with Pepper and I'll meet you in the food court?" Natasha asked Wanda as she held her hand, walking through the halls. Wanda looked completely confused but agreed and left with Pepper with one last look over her shoulder.

Natasha makes her way to Pandora. "Hi can I help you with anything today?" The super cheery sales associate asked as she walked up to the red head.

"Yes actually, I placed an order. For Natalie Rushman."

"Oh! Right away, I'll just be a moment."


Natasha and Wanda walked towards the house just as the front door opened. Peter came flying out the door with Tony not far behind him holding Morgan.

"Hi Wanda, bye Wanda! Hi Nat, bye Nat!" Peter quickly hugged Natasha before jumping in the back seat of Pepper's car.

"Bye Natalie, bye mini Natalie." Tony didn't make eye contact as he quickly got in the car. Natasha and Wanda shared a look before heading to the house, knowing it couldn't be good.

A bomb. It looked like a bomb went off in Natasha's house. James ran to his mother when he saw her. He threw himself and thankfully she had set her bags down and was able to catch him.

"Hi baby boy. Did you miss me?" Natasha kissed his cheeks as he nodded and hugged her neck.

"Missed you Mama!"

"Where is your daddy?"

"Him twy get Sawah and Gwace to eat, and they don't. Them bad Mama." James tells his mother, very seriously. Natasha chuckles seeing the scowl on her toddlers face.

"They aren't bad, angel. They just want Mama." With one last kiss, Natasha sent James on his way to the living room. "They are late for their naps, do you mind helping with James?" Natasha turned to Wanda.

"Sure, can he sleep in my bed?"

"Sure дорогой." (Sweetheart) Natasha set out to find her husband and her babies.


Wanda was sitting in her bed reading while James slept beside her. A quiet knock on her door made her look up, seeing Natasha and Steve smiling at her.

"Can we talk to you дорогой?" (Sweetheart).

"Sure." Wanda carefully got up and put pillows around James before following the couple down to the dining room. Wanda was a little nervous as she sat across from them waiting for one of them to speak.

Natasha smiled and pushed a box to Wanda. Eyeing the red head carefully, Wanda opened it finding a Pandora bracelet with charms on it. She took a closer look and saw a red gem probably representing The Scarlet Witch. There was a charm that said #1 Sister, making Wanda smile. The last charm said Daughter. Wanda looked up at the couple across from her. They were holding hands and smiling at the Brunette.

"Steve and I have been talking. I know you're almost an adult, but we still see you as our daughter. We want to adopt you. If that's what you want?" Natasha smiled warmly as Wanda's eyed started filling with tears.

"I-I don't know what to say?" Wanda had tears running down her cheeks as Natasha stood, and rounded the table before squatting down beside her.

"If you don't want us to, it's okay дорогой. It doesn't change how we feel about you." (Sweetheart) Natasha wiped her tears as Wanda tried to calm down.

"I want you to." Wanda whispered.

"You do?" Natasha asked as she looking into Wanda's eyes. The teen started nodding her head as she leaned forward to hug Natasha. Steve came around the table and pulled both girls into his arms as kissed both their heads.

"Let's do this." Steve and Natasha made eye contact and both had huge smiles on their faces.

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