Something More: Part 49

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"Well. That went well." Natasha smiled at Wanda as she turned the car off.

"Really?" Wanda had her doubts. She was so nervous about driving, and even more nervous that she had drove Natasha's car.

"Yes. Maybe we can add more speed next time though. I don't think this car has ever been passed before." Natasha smirked as Wanda's cheeks reddened.


"Don't be sorry. You're learning and it's okay to take it at your pace. Better safe, than sorry." Natasha kissed Wanda's head as they walked into the house.

"Mama! Wan'a!" James ran as fast at his feet could carry him to his mom. Natasha picked him up and kissed his cheeks before he dove at Wanda. She laughed as she pulled him from Natasha and he started babbling about what he and his Auntie Pepper did today. She put him down and he dragged her to see his art work from the day.

Natasha turned her head when she heard crying and gave a sad smile to her youngest. Grace had hot, fat tears streaming down her face and was reaching for her Mama when she laid eyes on her.

"Come here, детка." (Baby) Natasha took her from Pepper, "Shh it's okay, Mama's got you." Natasha bounced lightly while holding her crying baby. Eventually, Grace calmed down enough for Pepper and Natasha to talk.

"She had a hard time." Pepper gave a sad smile as she looked at her crying niece.

"I know. She has separation anxiety. She has to be able to see me." Natasha rocked her daughter slowly. She made her way to the couch with Pepper waking behind her. Natasha smiled when she saw Sarah standing with the assistance of the coffee table. She smiled when she saw her Mama and then went back to playing.

"At least two out of three babies are excited to see me." Natasha rolled her eyes. Pepper chuckled as she sat beside Natasha.

"Sarah is such an easy baby. I brought her down here and gave her some puffs, we played and she has been happy the whole time."

"I know." Natasha sighed as she started nursing Grace. "Sarah is just a daddy's girl. She lights up when she sees Steve. She can't get to him fast enough." Natasha smiled at her girls. "Did Grace cry the whole time?" She smiled down at her daughter as she ran her fingers through Grace's blonde hair.

Pepper sighed and nodded her head, "Nothing I did helped. Eventually I got her to let me just hold her. Even though that didn't stop her crying I think it helped a bit. She hasn't been awake that long, she was the last one up."

Natasha nodded as she wiped her daughter's tears. She didn't think it's possible for Grace's separation anxiety to stem from her biological mothers death but she had no way of knowing the actual reason.

"Well I better get home to my trouble maker." Pepper sighed as she stood. Natasha smirked before looking up at her blonde friend.

"It's not nice to talk about Tony like that."

Pepper chuckled, "I'm in so much trouble. Morgan is 100% Tony's mini me. They get into everything." She shook her head as she headed to the door.

"Mama!" Natasha sighed as she heard her son calling from upstairs. Soon enough, her toddler came running into the living room.

"Mama! You no hear me?" James furrowed his brow reminding Natasha of Steve.

"What's up, baby?" Natasha smiled at her son. He crossed his arms and popped his hip making Natasha internally roll her eyes. That was something he learned from his mother.

"Mama." James whined. Natasha could tell he was getting needy. He was like Steve in that sense. He needed her undivided attention sometimes. Usually when he was tired or sick.

"Come here, baby." James got up on the couch beside his mother and she felt his head. He was a little warm but nothing too bad.

"When Daddy come home?" James rubbed his face in Natasha's side and started playing with his sleeves. James wasn't the only one missing Steve. His training trip was only a couple days but with three kids under three, it was hard on Natasha. The kids were all missing their Daddy.

"He will be home tomorrow, baby. Do you want to help Mama with dinner? I just have to finish nursing your sister." Natasha kissed his head and ran her fingers through his hair. He wanted to be just like his Daddy and followed Steve everywhere when he was home. Having is father away for any length of time seemed too long for her only son.

Natasha finished nursing Grace before setting her on the rug to play with Sarah. She picked up James and turned to walk to the kitchen before Grace started whining.

"It's okay, детка. I'm just in the kitchen." (Baby) The open floor plan meant Natasha could see both girls playing in the living room from where she cooks, but more importantly to Grace; she could see her Mama.

Natasha decided on spaghetti for dinner because it was quick and easy. Not to mention all her kids loved pasta and would eat it with no complaints. Natasha set James on the counter and put him to work, the best you can a toddler. Dinner was ready in no time and Natasha had plates of spaghetti ready for the babies as well as salad and garlic bread.

"Wanda! Dinner is ready!" Natasha called to her oldest from the bottom of the stairs before getting three babies in high chairs. James could feed himself and even managed to not make much of a mess. Sarah could feed herself but had to be stripped to her diaper because she loves to make messes. She giggled as she smeared pasta sauce across her face and hummed, happy with their meal.

Natasha shook her head as she buckled Grace. She needed some help eating or she would wear most of it and eat very little. Wanda bounced down the stairs and smiled when she saw everyone at the table.

"It smells delicious."

"Thank you, дорогой." (Sweetheart)

After dinner and baths for everyone, Natasha was thankful the kids were as tired as she was. With everyone sleeping, it was easy for Natasha to give into the darkness.

Natasha woke up hearing the door downstairs. She looked at the security cameras on her phone and saw Steve trying to sneak through the house. He came home early to surprise her. Rolling her eyes, she decided to play along for his sake and rolled over; pretending to be asleep. A few moments later, their bedroom door opened and she felt the bed dip beside her. Steve's arms circled her waist and she smiled as he kissed her head.

"I missed you." Steve whispered into her hair.

"How did you know I was awake?"

"You are a light sleeper. I tried but there is no way you slept through that." Steve chucked. He started peppering kissed down her neck and across her shoulder. Natasha smirked knowing exactly what Steve wanted. She couldn't even lie and say she didn't too. Natasha turned around in his arms and pulled him into a tender kiss that was quickly becoming heated.

Natasha was glad he was home.

To be continued...

* So someone requested some Romanogers Smut and I haven't put any in this book. So I'm going to post a book of smut scenes just for the filthy animals who want to read it if you're into that kind of thing 😏

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