Something More: Part 44

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Pepper and Morgan should arrive at the Rogers residence shortly. Natasha had a hectic morning, but seemed to have everything under control now. James was playing with his blocks, quietly in front of the tv. Natasha smiled at him, he was such a good boy. Sarah was chewing her fist while she did some tummy time beside her brother, just far enough away to not be hurt if the block tower fell over. Natasha sat on the couch feeding Grace and gently patting her back. She had been fussy all morning and Natasha hoped that it was just some indigestion.

"Okay! I'm done. Did you need any help?" Wanda came down the stairs after working on her courses all morning. Another reason why Natasha's morning had been so hectic; she had all three kids herself.

"No. When Pepper and Morgan get here I think we are going o-u-t-s-i-d-e so I will probably need your help then." Natasha looked at the young woman and smiled. She pat the couch beside her and Wanda sat beside her mother figure to play with Grace's foot. Soon enough, they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Wanda stood up and headed to the door while Natasha unlatched Grace and fixed her shirt.

"Hi Natasha!" Pepper smiled as she used her one free arm to hug her friend.

"It's good to see you Pepper." Natasha smiled at the taller blonde and it only grew as she watched confusion take over her face. She was looking over Natasha's shoulder at James and Sarah in the living room. She then looked down in Natasha's arms before looking in the red heads eyes.

"Did I miss something? Did you and Steve have twins?" Pepper stuttered out looking between all the kids.

"It's a long story, which ended in us adopting this little cutie. So, meet Grace." Natasha smiled with pride at the baby in her arms. She was only a few days old but Natasha loved her already and she was the sweetest little thing.

"She is adorable. She looks so little compared to Morgan and Sarah. How old is she?"

"She is only 3 days old. But she was a little premature I believe. She is smaller than both my babies." Natasha kissed Grace's head before laying her in the baby swing. "I'm going to grab warmer clothes and then we can head out to the backyard?" Natasha waited for Pepper's agreement before heading upstairs. She put on one of Steve's hoodies with her leggings and tennis shoes before heading to the nursery. She grabbed warm onesies for the girls and the baby sling. She grabbed a sweater for James and his running shoes before heading downstairs.

Pepper, Wanda and Natasha made small talk while they dressed babies for the outdoors. Natasha put Sarah in the sling on her front and was about to get the stroller for Grace when Wanda said she would hold her.

"Are you sure? She will get heavy." Natasha chuckled.

"I'm sure. If it gets too much I'll grab the stroller but she is too cute and I haven't gotten to hold anyone today!" Wanda smiled as she snuggled Grace. The trio headed outside, each holding a baby with James running as fast as his little legs could carry him to the play structure. Natasha laughed as she yelled for James to wait for them.

Natasha and Pepper enjoyed the weather while they talked about their lives for the last couple months. Wanda pushed James on the swings as she held Grace in one arm.

"Did you think you would have this many kids?" Pepper chuckled as they watched James laugh.

"You mean did I think I would end up with 4 kids in the 3 years I have been with Steve?" Natasha smirked as she looked down at Sarah who saw a bird flying in the sky.

Pepper looked momentarily confused until she saw Natasha's eyes lift to Wanda. "Are you and Steve going to make it official?" Pepper asked as she smiled at the red head.

"I don't know if she wants that. And besides, she will be 18 in a year." Natasha sighed out in a whisper.

"Well I think every kid wants parents. No matter their age. And I can tell she loves you and looks up to you. Plus it would make her a citizen." Pepper tried to calm a fussing Morgan.

What Pepper said got Natasha thinking. She would have to talk to Steve, but it all made sense. And she would be lying if she hadn't thought about officially adopting Wanda already.

Once Sarah joined in on the fussing, Natasha knew it was time to go inside. Hopefully James would have a nap with all the fresh air.

After all the kids were fed; including Wanda. They babies went down for naps while the moms made sandwiches and lemonade.

"You have no idea how much I wish there was vodka in this." Natasha closed her eyes as she imagined what it would be like.

Wanda and Pepper laughed as they enjoyed their quiet afternoon.

"Let's leave the kids with the men so we can do some shopping one afternoon. I haven't done that in so long." Pepper was visibly excited, but Natasha was nervous. She has never left Steve alone with James and Sarah, let alone James, Sarah and Grace.

Noticing her hesitance, Pepper tried to calm her nerves, "I can make Tony help. I'm sure the two of them can handle 4 kids."

That had the opposite of the intended affect.

"No." Natasha laughed as she had a sudden urge to go wake up her kids. She was still internally fighting when Wanda chimed in, "We can have Peter help!"

Natasha thought for a moment before agreeing. Reluctantly, "Okay, but we are not going far."

The two across the table from her started smiling like Cheshire cats and nodding like maniacs.

"I'm going to regret this... okay! I'll talk to Steve. I think he is off next Friday."


Natasha rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face. She knew this wouldn't end well.

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