Something More: Part 5

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Nat burst out laughing. Steve buried his face in her neck and whispered, "Oh my god that's unfortunate." He started laughing and rolled to lay beside her.

"Yeah that could have went better." Nat raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Now we HAVE to get up." She sighed and looked at the ceiling. She got out of bed and started looking for her clothes from the night before, she found her pyjama bottoms by her desk and put them on. She was still looking for her shirt when she heard Steve say, "Mmm, you should dress like that more often." She looked at him, her mouth wide open. "That's a lot of gull from a man who would have to try to find something in my closet that fits if I were to take these and run." Nat said as she held up his bottoms and t-shirt.

Steve jumped up and ran over to her taking his clothes and kissed her. He was kissing her face and neck quickly repeating, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Over again until Nat couldn't breath from laughing so hard. Steve got dressed and Nat found a hoodie and went looking for Wanda.

Nat walked into the kitchen and saw Wanda making coffee. She leaned on the counter and started fiddling with her fingers as she stared at her. Wanda handed her a cup of coffee and said, "Was it good?" With a smirk.

Nat couldn't help but smile. "Why Wanda, what do you think happened?"

"I think that you and Steve finally got together, you two have been playing some weird cat and mouse game as long as I've known you. I knew yesterday something was up! Spill!" Wanda leaned on the counter across from Nat and raised her eyebrow with a smile.

"Well, yes. Last night Steve and I... well you can figure that out you're a smart girl." Natasha blushed and looked at her hands.

"That's not even cool. Holding out on me! When did this start? Did he tell you he loves you? He obviously does I mean we can all see it, I don't know why he wouldn't tell you.. I don't even have to get in his head to know that-"

"Let me stop you there Wanda," Nat laughed "This is new. Very new. I haven't really told him how I feel and neither has he. We leaned on each other when we were both going through stuff but we haven't really talked about what this means yet."

"Well I personally, am very happy for the two of you. I think it's great." She stood up and smiled at Nat, "does this mean it's a secret?"

"Please keep it to yourself until we figure out what this means. Peter has a big mouth and he will tell everyone."

Wanda looked behind Nat at Steve as he walked in. He walked up behind Nat and rubbed her back as he walked by. She looked at Wanda, this was going to be more difficult to keep secret than she could imagine.

"Good morning, Wanda." Steve grabbed himself a coffee. He had changed into dark blue jeans and a dress shirt which always seemed to be too tight in all the right places. Natasha caught herself staring at him and looked away quickly hoping no one noticed.

"Good morning, Steve." Wanda said very enthusiastically, she was a horrible actress. Natasha has been trying to teach her to be a spy like her for almost a year but her emotions were all over her face. Nat rolled her eyes and went to get more coffee. Steve poured it for her and she turned to see Peter wondering into the kitchen.

"Where's breakfast?" He grumbled as he walked in unaware of the sexual tension Nat and Steve were feeling.

"There is coffee here, but I'm afraid you guys are on your own today." Steve said finally breaking eye contact with Natasha. She looked at Steve with a confused look, not only did she want to jump his bones, but she needed to talk to him and he was just going to leave?

"On our own? What do you mean?" Wanda looked at Nat, who looked just as confused.

"Natasha and I have to go into town today, so you guys have the run of the place, don't burn it down." Steve turned to look at Nat and winked, "Can you be ready in an hour?"

"For what?" Nat whispered, "I didn't get a message about a mission?"

"No mission. I'm taking you out." Steve whispered back with a crooked smile. Nat instantly got butterflies and nodded. She almost kissed him before turning to head to her room. She couldn't believe that she was going out on a date with Steve Rogers.

To be continued...

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