Something More: Part 18

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Natasha was silent the whole drive back to the compound. Steve was slightly worried as he drove. He held her hand and she was rubbing her thumb in circles against his, so he took that as a good sign. He didn't want to ask her about her feelings again for fear of her freaking out and running or picking a fight with him to push him away. He knew all her plays at this point. She had tried to push him away out of fear before and he knew he would never let her. He kissed the back of her hand as they parked and then followed her to her room.

She sat on the bed and was staring at the wall. Steve sat beside her and put a hand on her knee. He was trying to figure out how to start the conversation but he was still at a loss.

"You're happy right?" Natasha finally turned to look him in the eye. He could tell she was scared but there was also something else in her eyes. Hope?

"Natasha, this is your body. It's your decision. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy. I love you and when I think of my future, I see you and me together. And I want kids. If we have them or adopt them, I think you're going to make an amazing mom."

A single tear ran down her face, "I'm scared." She almost whispered.

"We can do it together. I'll always be here for you no matter what." Steve hugged her and she took a deep breath.



"Yeah. I love you." She pulled out of the hug and smiled at him. She kissed his lips softly. "I can't believe we're having a baby. "Боже мой" (oh my god)"

"It's going to be great." Steve couldn't help the goofy grin on his face as he leaned in to kiss her again. She chuckled against his lips as she cupped his face.

"We aren't telling anyone until I'm at least like 14 weeks. I know most people tell at 12 but with my history and supposed infertility I just want to be sure." She was dead serious and the fear was still in her eyes.

"Okay.. but how are we going to keep you from missions. We will have to tell Fury and Hill."

Natasha thought for a while before sighing, "I would really like to keep doing missions for a while. Maybe I could run the commutations from the jet?"

"Nat, you never sit out on missions. I think that might be more suspicious. How about we talk to Fury and you can do training? And run logistics from here? We could tell people you're injuried until we start telling them about the baby?"

"Okay. I'm not happy, but I get it. The baby comes first." Placing her hand on her belly she smirked at Steve, "That sounds so bizarre." She laughed and it was music to Steve's ears.

"I love you. And I'm so happy. I know we have only been together 5 months, but it's been the best 5 months of my entire life." Steve was smiling from ear to ear making Natasha blush. She knew he meant every word.

"I love you too. And I feel the same way." She pecked his lips and then stood up. He followed her with is eyes as she walked towards the door. "Well? Come on before I change my mind about talking to Fury."

Two hours later..

"I cannot believe how pissed he was."

"To be fair, he thinks of me as a daughter. You should have realized you were basically confessing to screwing and knocking up his daughter and expecting him to be happy about it." Natasha couldn't help the smile that crossed her lips. Of course Fury agreed with Steve; there would be no missions in her foreseeable future. She was to train recruits because of an "injury" until they started telling everyone.

"I didn't expect him to be so mean." Natasha raised and eyebrow at him, "okay, I expected him to be a little mean."

"I'm just pissed that he made you and Hill the fun police."

"Nat. He is having us make sure you don't over do it or that someone doesn't take it too far in the training. I know you can still kick ass but you need to take it easy even though it might be the most difficult thing you will do. It's for the baby." Steve kissed her cheek. When she pouted, he spread quick kisses across her cheek, jaw and neck making her smile and give him a light push.

"Okay lover boy, enough before people see you." She couldn't help the smile on her face. She was barely keeping her hormones in check. Pregnancy hormones are real.

"Maybe we should let them have their suspicions. It would make it easier when they find out you're pregnant." Steve said with a shrug.

Natasha thought about it for a second before smirking at Steve and taking his hand, "The first thing they are going to talk about is if I took your virginity."

Steve's face turned crimson as they walked hand in hand down the hall. "Let them talk Baby. Everything I care about it right here." He looked her in the eye and then dropped his gaze to her unnoticeable bump. "I love you."

Natasha stopped and turned to Steve getting in her toes to give him a gentle kiss on his lips. Pulling away slightly she whispered her I love you before pecking his lips again.

To be continued...

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