Something More: Part 41

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Natasha couldn't wait to get out of the hospital. All she wanted to do was sit on her couch with her family. She still hated hospitals.

"Relax, love. They said we could leave later today." Steve tried to calm his wife as she huffed for the fifth time in the last hour.

"I don't understand why I have to stay. I have done this before, they said everything was okay so why am I still here?" Natasha laid her head back and closed her eyes trying to calm down. She heard Steve moving around the room but ignored him until she felt a weight on her chest. She immediately opened her eyes and looked at her daughter as she yawned on her chest. Instantly, Natasha was calm as she stroked Sarah's chubby cheeks. "You're not playing fair."

"Sorry." Steve smiled sheepishly.

"She is perfect. She looks so much like you Steve." Natasha looked up at her husband and saw him staring at them.

"My girls." He smiled at Natasha before pecking her lips twice. "Do we know who's eyes she has? I'm hoping yours."

"Not yet. She hasn't looked long enough, she is very lazy." Natasha chuckled. "I know she is awake but she won't show me her eyes." Natasha kissed her daughter's head trying to wake her up and coax her eyes open.

"She will eventually, baby."

They both looked at the door when they heard an obnoxious knock.

"$20 says it's Tony." Natasha muttered. Steve laughed as he walked to the door and opened it. He silently turned around and got his wallet out, handing Natasha a $20 bill. She smiled widely at him as Tony walked in with a big smile on his face.

"Congratulations. Pepper is pissed by the way."

"Thank you. Congratulations to you too, Tony." Natasha smiled at her friend.

"Why is Pepper mad?" Steve asked as he shook Tony's hand.

"Natalie over here came in after we had already been her for like 7 hours, and had little Rogers before Pepper. When Helen walked in and said she was done over here you should have saw Pepper's face." Tony laughed loudly to himself causing Sarah to start fussing.

"We will be leaving soon, is it okay to stop and see Pepper on the way out?" Natasha asked as she tried to calm a fussy baby, knowing she was hungry.

"Yes, Pepper would love that. And you can meet in newest Stark!" Tony had a proud smile on his face as he walked out the door.


"Finally." Natasha grumbled as Steve grabbed her bag off the bed. She was sore and tired and wanted to go home. She just signed the release papers and she would be damned if she let Steve wheel her out of the hospital. She carried a sleeping Sarah as they headed to the Stark's room. Natasha knocked quietly as she opened the door slowly. Pepper instantly smiled as she looked up to see her friend walking in with her bundle of joy.

"Who do we have here?" Pepper quietly asked as she leaned a bit to see the newest edition to the Rogers family. She held her daughter tightly as Natasha looked at the newest Stark.

"Sarah. And who is this?" Natasha smiled warmly.

"Morgan. I think they will be best friends." Pepper smiled at Sarah. "Who did you bribe to have a baby that fast, look that good and get out of here that fast?" Pepper raised an eyebrow as she looked at the spy.

Natasha laughed, "It will be easier the next time."

"Nope! Not happening again. I love Morgan but I don't want to see that ever again!" Tony jumped up from his seat and Pepper rolled her eyes.

"Well I guess we will see you guys later. Have fun with that Pepper." Natasha gestured with her chin to Tony.

As they exited the room, Steve placed his hand on Natasha's lower back and guided her out to the car.

"Ready to go home and meet your big brother?" Steve asked as he helped get his girls in the car. Sarah fussed slightly as she was placed in the car seat, but fell asleep again very quickly.

"This is going to be fun. Right?" Natasha looked over to the drivers seat as Steve took her hand.

"What could go wrong?"


"Mama!" James screeched as he ran to his mother as fast as his legs could carry him. Natasha scooped her son up in her arms as soon as he got to her and peppered kisses all across his face.

"I missed my baby boy!" Natasha smiled at her son as he giggled. "Hi дорогой (sweetheart)." Natasha used her free arm to wrap Wanda into a hug and kiss her head. "Where is Auntie Maria?"

"Right here. How did you know I stayed?" Maria raised an eyebrow at her best friend. She had every intention of dropping off the kids and going home, but she couldn't do it.

"Lucky guess. Are you guys ready? James are you ready to meet your baby sister?" James nodded big before looking down at his Mama's flat stomach with some confusion. "Your sister is here, baby. Daddy is holding her." Natasha kissed James' head as she turned him to see his father standing at the door taking Sarah out of her car seat. She looked so small in his large hands. Natasha walked closer as James looked cautiously at his baby sister. He looked at his mother for confirmation before turning back to his sister with curiosity. He pointed at her looking to his father.

"James, this is your sister Sarah." James leaned in to kiss her and Natasha looked up at Steve swooning over their kids.

"Я хочу еще один (I want another one)."

"Damn Nat, at least wait until that one is used to oxygen." Wanda muttered.

"Watch your language." Natasha quipped.

Natasha turned to Maria. "Meet your niece. Sarah Marie Rogers." Natasha smiled at Hill's shocked expression. Her eyes snapped to Natasha's who nodded, "As in Maria-Marie. Sounded better that way." Natasha smirked when she saw Maria's eyes gloss over, but her friend refused to let the tears fall.

"Thank you, Natasha." Maria hugged her friend before taking her niece from Steve.

"I'm going to teach you all the important things: like how to knife someone, and I'm going to take you for your first tattoo and take you to the bars and teach you how to pick up men-."

"Okay! That's enough. You're not teaching my little girl any of that." Steve reached trying to take Sarah out of her arms as she dodged him.

"Those are important life lessons Steve."

Steve's face went red as he started arguing with Maria. Natasha and Wanda were stifling laughter as they watched the two of them bicker. Natasha was so happy to be home with her family.

To be continued...

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