Something More: Part 31

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"So I've been thinking...." Natasha sat at the kitchen island staring at the back of Steve's head.  Steve slowly turned setting down the tea towel.

"Okay. That's never good." Natasha flashed a fake smile at Steve that soon turned into a real one.

"It's nothing bad, I hope." Natasha's voice trailed off at the end but Steve heard and straightened up slightly, "So... I don't want anyone else raising our son. I don't want to miss the milestones in his life. I never had a family, siblings, parents, I didn't have any of the normal things that children are supposed to experience and I want to be there for him." Natasha paused to read Steve's face. He was looking a little confused at where she was going. Taking a deep breath, Natasha continued, "I want to take a more permanent step back from S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers." Natasha and Steve stared at each other for a moment.

"What do you mean a step back?"

"Like I would train recruits, do paperwork, handle logistics, maybe take a couple missions a year but keep travelling to a minimum. Be home by 5 everyday. What do you think?"

Steve had a slow smile creep on his face, "I think it's a great idea, baby. I just didn't see you taking the initiative and wanting to do this. I'm excited though. I would feel better knowing James will be with his mother and not some nanny or babysitter. Maybe I can talk to Fury about taking a step back as well."

"One thing at a time, Steve. I think he will be royally pissed when I tell him about my decision. Maybe after another baby, he will be more receptive." Natasha winked at Steve as they both smiled. "So this is a good thing right?"

"Yes, this is a great thing love." Steve closed the distance between them walking around the island to bring Natasha into his arms. She rested her cheek against his chest.



"Well what?" Natasha walked into the kitchen, setting her gym bag on the floor. She smiled when she heard James giggle and point at her.


"Oh my goodness! You're a talkative boy today, baby!" Natasha cooed at her son and feathered kisses across his cheek. James giggles again and gently touched his mother's hair.

Steve put Cheerios in front of him and smiled. He was often jealous of how soft Natasha was with James. It seemed so effortless and she gave herself so fully. It took Steve years to break down her walls. Steve shook his head. He couldn't believe he was jealous of his own son.

"How did it go with Fury?"

"Oh. Umm it was okay. He wasn't very pleased but I told him that I would leave completely if I couldn't take the step back. He eventually agreed."  Natasha walked to the fridge to grab a water, much to James' dismay. He threw his cup as the crocodile tears welled in his eyes. "Hey, what's wrong baby?" Natasha walked back to him and started to pick him up.

"Mmmm! Mama!"

"Боже мой! Steve! Did you hear that? He said his first word! I missed you so much today малыш." Natasha wasn't even aware that she started crying. James put his arms around his mother's neck and laid his head on her shoulder.

"Good job buddy! Wow. He is growing up way to fast, baby." Steve kissed James' head and pecked Natasha's lips. Steve wouldn't admit it to Natasha, but he was seriously considering another baby now. James was almost 11 months; they could start trying soon. He knew they got pregnant so easily and without trying the first time, but that doesn't mean they would get pregnant right away again.


"Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled as James smiled and smashed his cake. Everyone was having a blast. Clint's kids were running around the yard playing with Peter and Thor, Steve was running the BBQ with Tony complaining he was doing it wrong. Natasha was hiding in the kitchen getting more food ready as Maria walked in.

"Shots?" She asked as she grabbed glasses and limes.

"Hill? I can't drink." Natasha furrowed her eyebrows at her best friend. She hasn't had alcohol in almost 2 years but Maria still expects her to get shitfaced every time she sees her.

"I thought you stopped breastfeeding?" Maria asked as she poured two shots of tequila.

"I'm trying but it's hard. I can't drink. Why don't you ask Pepper?" She did feel bad. Maria didn't like many people; neither did Natasha. But she felt like her life has changed so much since she started seeing Steve and she didn't want to leave her friend behind.

"Ask me what?" Pepper and Wanda walked into the kitchen with empty casserole dishes from the food table.

"Here." Maria handed her a glass, which Wanda instantly grabbed and threw back.

"Hey! You're underaged missy." Natasha took the empty glass from her and gave her a pointed look.

"Okay, mom." Wanda giggled at Natasha's shocked face.

"Pepper you want me to pour you one?" Maria laughed as she poured another shot for herself.

"No, thank you."

Natasha could tell by the stupid grin on Pepper's face when she made eye contact. Natasha returned her smile with a slight nod. Natasha excused herself and wandered out the the BBQ. She wrapped her arms around Steve's waist and breathed in his scent. She was happy they could have a moment alone as she looked over at Laura with James and Tony talking to Clint.

"Hi baby." Steve smiled as he rubbed Natasha's hands.

"Pepper is pregnant."

"Wow. That's so exciting. Did you tell her?"

"No. I want all the focus today to be on James. It's his first birthday, we can tell everyone later."

"Okay, well I guess we will be having another party soon then." Steve turned to kiss Natasha's forehead and placed his hand on her stomach when he saw no one was looking.

"It's about to get busy around here." Natasha beamed up at Steve. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed him on the lips, pecking them twice as she pulled away.

"Hey! Stop kissing before you give James a sibling and ruin my appetite! Is the food ready?!" Tony yelled from across the yard.

"I'm going to kill him." Natasha said under her breath as she stepped away from Steve.

"If he only knew." Steve chuckled as he turned to take the burgers off the grill. "Who's hungry?!"

To be continued...


Боже мой - oh my god
малыш - baby boy

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