Something More:Part 23

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"It's a boy!"

Steve was in a state of shock. A huge smile crept onto his face and Natasha squeezed his hand. Turning to face her, he saw tears streaming down her face. He used both hands to cup her cheeks wiping her tears with his thumbs before kissing her hard on the lips. Steve got carried away, swiping his tongue on her bottom lip wanting access to her mouth. Natasha denied him pushing his chest lightly. He looked at her slightly confused until she cleared her throat looking down before looking at Cho who was looking everywhere but at the couple. Steve instantly turned bright red causing Natasha to laugh at his expense. Natasha thanked Cho as she left, and Steve helped her off the bed to start getting dressed.

Natasha stared at Steve with a smirk on her face as he gathered her belongings, "I don't want to say I told you so-.."

"But you want to tell me you told me so? I know, baby. You are always right." Steve interrupted her with a smile on his face, "I'm still happy though. And relieved that you both are doing well. Let's go." Steve grabbed her hand and headed to the car. He opened her door before getting in the drivers seat as pulling out of the lot holding her hand again as he drove. Almost a year later and it still makes Natasha smile when he holds her hand.

"So... how do you want to tell everyone? Or should we keep it a secret and let them all find out when he is born?" Steve asked looking over to his red headed beauty briefly before turning back to the road. Natasha looked over to him with a small smile playing on her lips.

"Hmm. Well on one hand I would like for them all to suffer knowing we know and they don't."

"You're mean!" Steve faked shock turning to her at a red light with his mouth wide open before smiling and continuing their journey home.

"On the other hand.." she smirked and raised an eyebrow at him leaning on the console to be closer to him. Lowering her voice she whispered, "I know you're going to slip up and tell someone so we might as well tell them all together so no one gets upset."

Steve furrowed his brow slightly, "How do you know I would be the one to slip up?" As he turns to look at her she tilts her head slightly to the side and stared at him. "Okay, fair enough. It would definitely be me over you." They both chuckled, "Okay, so how do you want to do it then?"

Natasha was watching the buildings go by. She had never thought of how she would tell her loved ones that she was pregnant, let alone a gender reveal. She never thought it would happen and she never thought she would have loved ones to tell. She had come across some gender reveals online that people have done and the thought of it made her cringe. Suddenly, knowing she was having a son made it all more real. She was still trying to mentally prepare herself, which was confusing because she already felt so much love for him and so protective over him. By the time the buildings turned to trees she looked at her handsome boyfriend. She momentarily forgot what she was about to suggest when she saw his muscles flexing under his shirt as he moved and his stoic expression. God he was handsome. Should she still be blaming the hormones?

"Well you know how everyone is super competitive?" She asked earning a nod and a small smile from the blonde to her left. "What about if they split in teams and the winning team got to reveal the gender?"

"Reveal how? And how would we split them in teams?

"They pick team boy or team girl?" Natasha shrugged, "And I don't know, we could have them blow something up and blue smoke could come out of it?"

"Blow something up?!" Steve raised his eyebrows in surprise, not that he should be that shocked with who his friends are that Natasha would suggest that.

"Yes. They would enjoy blowing shit up."Natasha smirked again.

"Hmm I bet they would. Okay, well what games should we have?"

"What about if we made Wanda the game master? She can do all the hard work for us as she already knows, that way no one can try to go off what she picks?"

"That sounds like a great idea baby." Steve smiled and kissed the back of Natasha's hand. As they pulled into the compound Natasha groaned softly seeing a familiar car in the parking lot. She was not in the mood for this shit. She didn't want anything to ruin her mood.

"What's the matter? The baby kicking hard again?"

"Hmmm. Oh, yeah he is moving around a ton." Natasha wasn't lying. Specifically. He was moving, that just wasn't the reason for her mood swing. Steve helped her out of the car and they walked hand in hand into the compound. Steve saying hello or giving a curt nod to everyone he saw. Natasha rolled her eyes. No one gave her a second look before they knew she was with Steve. She moved in the shadows and now she has a Captain America sized spotlight on her.

"There you are, I was starting to think I wasn't going to see you today!"

Natasha rolled her eyes and internally groaned. She put a fake smile on her face as she and Steve turned to face the reason for her foul mood.

"Sharon." Was all Natasha could muster. She knew Sharon wasn't wanting to talk to her. Don't get her wrong. Sharon was a great agent. Under different circumstances, they could be frie- nope. Not friends. They could maybe have a drink together and be friendly. The problem was, Natasha knew Sharon was in love with Steve.

"Natasha. So Steve where have you been? I was looking for you in the training rooms and could find you." Sharon's gaze dropped to their linked fingers briefly before she plastered a smile on her face and made eye contact with Steve again.

"We had a doctors appointment today. I canceled all the training this morning but we are still training the recruits. They are doing well. Maria has been helping and Natasha is still doing the evaluations. They are almost finished and I'm proud of them." Steve was always so passionate about helping others. Another thing Natasha loves about him. She was smiling up at him before she remembered Sharon was standing in front of them.

"Oh well I would be happy to help out! I know you kind of got left in the lurch there." Sharon laughed at her own joke. If you could call it that. Natasha used all her focus not to roll her eyes.

"Yes. My pregnancy wasn't planned and was ill timed. But I guess these things happen when you have a lot of sex right, baby?" Natasha looked up at Steve and he couldn't go more red. Best part about Steve is when he is embarrassed, he can hardly think let alone talk. This is what Natasha was going for. "We are almost done with them so I think we have it covered. Maybe next time. Thanks Sharon, it was nice seeing you." Natasha turned to walk away dragging Steve with her. She smirked when she saw the look on Sharon's face. Maria was watching the whole scene unfold and started walking with her favourite couple.

"Afternoon, Nat. Steve." She had her own smirk on her face. "Well, did you find out the gender of the little leach?"

"Don't call my baby a leach, Hill. And yes we did. We are going to have a party this weekend at the house so everyone can find out together."

"Ugh. A gender reveal? Really Nat?"

"Yep." Natasha said popping the P. "And Auntie Hill needs to be there."

"Don't call me that."

Natasha laughed as Steve shook his head. Still feeling pretty embarrassed as he kissed Natasha's temple. The three of them headed down to train recruits as Sharon left seething mad.

To be continued...

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