Something More: Part 56

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"I didn't know you were seeing anyone?" Natasha pats Grace's bum as she nurses. To say she was shocked would be the understatement of the year.

"I wasn't. I'm not." Maria sighs, pacing in front of Natasha's desk. "It's complicated."

"Okay." Natasha starts thinking logically, but keeps her mouth shut. Maria is highly intelligent. She most likely knows what she is going to do and probably just wants a sounding board.

"I can't believe that I'm in this position. I'm on birth control. We used a condom. Between two methods, you think one of them would work!" Maria runs her fingers through her hair.

"Honey, sometimes things just happen. I mean, I wasn't supposed to be able to have children period and I've gotten pregnant twice." Natasha takes her necklace out of Grace's hand and kisses her fingers.

"I know that. It's just.." Maria stops pacing and when she turns to look at her best friend, her eyes are glossy.

"Oh shit." Natasha stands and quickly makes her way to Maria to pull her into a one armed hug. Grace grunts her disapproval, causing Maria to rasp out a laugh. Natasha holds her friend until she pulls away first and wipes her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I don't-."

"It's the hormones. They're wild." Natasha laughs and shakes her head. Maria chuckles and watches intently as Natasha unlatches Grace, pats her back and hands her daughter over.

"Better get used to it." Natasha smirks as she fixes her shirt.

"Hi Gracie." Maria smiles at the blonde toddler with the biggest brown eyes.

"Are you going to tell me?" Natasha rounds the desk and sits gracefully.

"I feel like I need a drink to explain this one." Maria sits across for her and holds Grace on her lap so she can see her Mama.

"Unfortunately, neither of us can drink." Natasha laughs again.

"How have you gone this long without drinking? That's the real question." Maria rolls her eyes.

"I don't miss it." Natasha shrugs her shoulder, "Spill."

"Fine. I started seeing a woman." Maria focused on Grace in her lap.


Maria looked up and saw no judgment on her friend's face, "You know I'm bi, so it shouldn't surprise you."

"It doesn't."

"Okay." Maria starts playing with Grace's hair, "I thought she was just a normal woman so I talked myself out of doing a background check." Her eyes looked up to meet Natasha's surprised face, "I know, but the last guy I dated got pissed when he found out I did one. It was one of the reasons we broke up; lack of trust."

Natasha rolled her eyes but nodded. She crossed her arms over her chest and let her friend continue.

"Well turns out, she's married."

"I beg your pardon?" Natasha's mouth gaped open. Maria nodded.

"Yeah. They aren't swingers.. they were looking for a... they both wanted to date me. I didn't realize when I started seeing Aurora that all the nights up texting, I was talking to her and Logan." Maria bit her lip.

"Well, you obviously got over it if you're knocked up by this Logan person; I'm assuming." Natasha smirks at the brunette, who throws her a dirty look.

"Yeah okay, I got over it. Are you happy?"

"Yes." Natasha smiles brightly as her daughter reaches for her. "Come here, my love." Natasha picks up Grace and kisses her cheek. Grace giggles and leaves an open mouth, drooly kiss on her mother's cheek.


"Maria." Natasha narrows her eyes across her desk, "She's teething a bit. Relax." Grace sits on her lap and rests her head on Natasha's chest.

"So yeah." Maria stands and fixes her shirt.

"Are you still seeing them?" Natasha rocks her legs back and forth.

"Kind of? I found out last week, and I haven't told them. This is going to be so hard." Maria drops her head backwards as she moans.

"Didn't you go on a mission last weekend?" Natasha glares at Maria, who looks sheepish.


"You have to tell Fury. You can't be putting yourself at risk like that when you're pregnant. Dammit. You saw this all happen with me! You know this Maria." Natasha shakes her head and stands with Grace.

"Where are you going?"

"To take Grace to daycare, and then you and I are going to come up with a plan."


"Okay. It's settled." Natasha types on her computer as Maria gives her an incredulous look.

"No. Nothing is settled."

"Yes. Dinner. Tomorrow night. Invite the other two thirds of your throuple." Natasha laughs and grabs her phone to text her group chat.

Mama: dinner tomorrow night.
We're meeting Maria's sig. o.

Baby Girl:
Ohh! I didn't know she was
seeing someone?!

She's seeing someone?

Mama: focus people. Dinner.
Love you both 😘

"Are you listening to me?!" Maria sighs, making eye contact with her best friend.

"Yes. Dinner. I'll make your favourite."

"Lasagna?" Maria perks up.


"Okay, fine. But only because you're offering up lasagna." Maria points at her favourite red head and gives her a stern look.

"You won't regret it!" Natasha calls after Maria, who makes her way to her office.

"I already do!" Maria calls back causing Natasha to cover her mouth to try and stifle her laugh.

"It'll be fine." Natasha mumbles to herself.

To be continued...

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