Something More: Part 32

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"So how far along are you?"

Natasha froze. She looked up at Wanda only to see her focus was on Pepper and not herself. Natasha let out a slow breath as she realized no one had suspected her own pregnancy yet.

"Almost 15 weeks. We wanted to wait longer than normal. I know it's been killing Tony. He is so excited." Pepper was smiling from ear to ear. Natasha was so happy for her friends. And knowing that she was only 5 weeks behind them in her own pregnancy, she would get to do a lot of things with Pepper. Natasha loved being a mom, but she was the only one of their friends other than Clint and Laura, that had kids. With the Barton's only a phone call away it helped when Natasha needed help, but it wasn't the same as having them a 15 minute drive way.

"So when are you and Steve going to have another one?" Wanda wiggled her eyebrows at her red headed mother figure. She was so happy to be an Auntie and she couldn't wait for more babies to be around. She could tell that her friend was expecting. But she promised herself she wouldn't say anything until she was told. She knew when Pepper was pregnant at James' birthday which is why she took the tequila shot for her. She understood that everyone needs their secrets and people like to keep pregnancies to themselves for a while. Didn't mean she wasn't going to try and get the information out of them.

"Steve wanted to wait until we got married." Natasha shrugged her shoulders. It wasn't a lie. He did want to wait. Until he changed his mind. And apparently he just has to look at Natasha for her to get pregnant because no sooner did those words leave his mouth, and she felt like she was looking at the positive test.

"So when are you getting married? Did Steve propose?!" Wanda couldn't hold back her excitement. She loved Steve and Natasha. She thought they were amazing together and James was the sweetest little boy. She couldn't wait until they got married and had more kids.

"Umm we are not engaged."

"That's pretty cryptic, Nat." Pepper raised an eyebrow at headed friend.

"Well... he asked me to marry him after James was born. It was so emotional and I didn't want him just to ask me out of obligation or because the adrenaline was so high. Now I'm wondering if I really hurt his feelings because we have almost been together for two years and we have a house and James and he hasn't asked me." Natasha furrowed her eyebrows looking at her tea.

"Wow. I can't believe you said no!" Wanda looked shocked as Pepper nodded her head along with her.

"I want to marry him. I was being stupid. I wanted him to be able to have an out. We never  planned to get pregnant so I didn't know if he ever really wanted kids with me. Like he said he wanted to have a future with me but what if he was just saying that. But seeing him with James I know he is his whole world."

"You are too, Nat. Steve's heart beats for you." Wanda smiled at the spy. She has seen how much Steve cares about Natasha, she doesn't need to read her mind to know that.

Natasha smiled and a slight blush rose to her cheeks. "Well hopefully he will soon."

"When does he come back from his mission?" Pepper asked as she took a bite of the biscuits on the table.

"He was supposed to be back yesterday. I think Fury is doing this out of spite since I told him I was taking a step back; now he is making Steve work harder. сволочь." Natasha broke a biscuit before putting a piece in her mouth. Wanda giggled at Natasha's small outburst. Before anything more could be said James came running into the room and crashed into his mother trying to climb on her lap. Natasha pulled him up and he wrapped his arms around her hiding his face in her neck.

"What's wrong, малыш?" Natasha rubbed his back as he slowly rubbed his face in her chest. His breathing slowed and he fell asleep pretty well instantly. Natasha looked at the clock and saw it was nap time and smiled to herself. She turned when she heard Tony walking in the kitchen behind them.

"There is the little terror! He is so fast and quiet! We were playing and the next thing I know?? He is gone! No trace of him. I had to have Jarvis track him down. 100% your kid Natalie." Tony let out a big breath as he grabbed a water.

"Good luck Pepper." Natasha chuckled as she stood with a sleeping James in her arms, " I should get this one to his bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow?"

"Nat do you want me to carry him?" Wanda asked as she stood up. She instantly regretted her question when she got an inquisitive look from the spy. "I don't know how much you have to carry but I bet your hands are full." Wanda let out a shakey breath hoping her cover was enough.

"I'll manage. Thank you though. Thanks for the tea Pepper. Bye Tony."

When Natasha got home she was greeted at the door with a very happy Salem.

"Hi Китти." Natasha went upstairs placing a still sleeping James down for his nap and grabbing the monitor. She fed Salem so she would leave her alone while she cleaned up the mess from this morning when she tried to get James out the door. She heard Steve's motorcycle pulling in the driveway and smiled as she met him at the door.

"Hey, love." Steve gave her a weak smile as he wrapped an arm around her. Natasha grabbed his other arm and wrapped it around her then put her's around his neck. He buried his face in her neck and let her hold him. After a few minutes he finally relaxed and let go.

"What happened baby?"

"Long mission; it went a little sideways. Some of the guys got hurt. Nothing too serious. But.. I got into a fight with Fury, told him I was taking a couple days. I don't know if I can do this baby. I hate being away from James. I hate being away from you. And with you being pregnant again..."

"Don't worry about us baby. I know you worry, but we are okay. We miss you when you're gone though." Natasha smiled at her blue eyed soldier and pecked his lips multiple times until he smiled back.

"Well, James should be up soon. I'm sure he will be so happy to see his Daddy." Natasha pulled Steve with her into the house and snuggled on the couch.

"I could never leave this house again and be happy." Steve said as he pulled Natasha closer.

"You say that now, honey. When James goes to school or when I go into labour..."

"Okay, you're right. I'm just stressed and I've had enough. I just need a little break."

"So. How do you want to tell everyone about the baby?" Natasha sat up a bit to look at Steve.

"Hmm I don't know.. maybe we should get a t-shirt that says "I've been promoted to big brother" for James."

"I love that idea, Steve." Suddenly, they heard James stir on the monitor. Steve jumped up yelling he's got it as he ran up the stairs. Natasha laughed as she got up to follow Steve. She was so glad he home.

To be continued...


сволочь- bastard
малыш- baby boy
Китти- kitty

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