Something More: Part 50

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Natasha woke up groggy. It took her a minute to remember Steve coming home last night. Rolling over to look at the clock, her eyes widened when she saw it was almost 8am. The girls usually get up around 6 and James isn't much later than that. Natasha got ready quickly and headed downstairs. She could hear James playing in the living room. She smiled at him as she made her way into the kitchen. Sarah was sitting in her high chair eating her eggs. She smiled and slammed her hands on her tray when she saw her mother.

"Hi детка." (Baby) Natasha kissed her head before turning to the other high chair, occupied by Grace. She had tears running down her cheeks as Steve attempted to feed her breakfast. When she saw her mother, she poked her lip out and raised her hands.

"Hi детка. You're okay." Natasha kissed her forehead and fed her a few bites. Grace ate them reluctantly, but Natasha still smiled.

"Good morning, love." Steve pecked her lips twice.

"Hmm good morning, handsome." Natasha smiled before going back to feeding her grumpy girl.

"Is she ever going to let me feed her? I can't give her a bottle, I can't get her to eat. She would starve if you weren't here, babe." Steve rubbed his face with his shoulder as he plated Natasha's breakfast.

"Thank you." Natasha kissed his cheek as she took her plate. "I don't know. She wouldn't let Pepper give her a bottle yesterday either." Natasha tilted her head as she made faces at Sarah. Sarah shrieked in laughter.

"Sarah was so happy when I got her this morning. But I can't help but think Grace wasn't." Steve pouted as he sat beside his wife to watch the girls.

"Well maybe you should spend some time with her? You've been busy with the recruits and she doesn't bond very easily with people." Natasha wasn't trying to accuse Steve of anything. But with him being the only one working right now, Grace didn't get much one on one with with her Daddy. Steve tried to split his time evenly with the kids, but Grace was so attached to Natasha that it's almost easier to let Natasha deal with her.

"Okay. I'm on Grace duty today. I'm not breastfeeding though." Steve smiled at his wife as she threw her head back and laughed. He loved her laugh.

"I think I can handle that, baby. Maybe I can get some one on one with with James today. He hasn't had my undivided attention in a while."

With their plans made for the day, Natasha took James to the backyard for a swim. He loved water, and usually only swam with Steve, while his sisters stayed inside with Natasha.

"Swim Mama?" James held her hand as they walked outside.

"Yup. You and me, малыш." (Baby boy)

"да мама." (Yes Mama)

"Good job, baby!" Natasha was proud that her son was picking up Russian. Steve could speak French and German but he really struggled with Russian. It was important to Natasha that her kids could speak her native language.

James smiled, proud of himself and skipped as they headed to the pool. James and Natasha played and laughed in the pool before James started getting tired. Natasha laid on the pool lounger with James on top of her. His breathing evened out and he feel asleep with his head on her chest.

Natasha heard the back door open and close before Wanda appeared.

"Did he fall asleep already? It's barely noon." Wanda chuckled as she sat beside Natasha with a book.

"He's had an eventful morning." Natasha chuckled softly, trying not to wake up the toddler. "Sometimes I forget he is still a baby."

"мама he's three. He will start school next year." Wanda smiled at her mother.

"Still my baby. All of you are."

Wanda smiled, loving the attention from her mother. "Should we start taking bets on when you have another one?"

"You don't think four is enough?" Natasha raised an eyebrow. She hadn't really thought about more kids. She had her hands full with the ones she had. Plus the girls were like having twins, something Natasha never wanted to do again. Three under three was absolute insanity.

"Well you only gave birth to two, I expected you to have at least one more." Wanda shrugged her shoulders.

"I wish I gave birth to all of you." Natasha couldn't help the sad smile on her face. Wanda returned it and reached out to hold Natasha's hand. Their moment was interrupted by Steve opening the back door and calling Natasha.

"Babe, it's time for Grace's nap and I can't get her to go down."

"Be right there baby." Natasha stood carefully with James in her arms. She leaned down to kiss Wanda's forehead before heading inside.

"Here, can you change him and put him down?" Natasha handed James to his dad before following the sound of Grace's wails.

"Shh come on sweet girl. Let's go night night." Natasha cuddled with Grace as she walked upstairs. With Grace still crying, she decided against going into the nursery where Sarah was sleeping. She walked into the master bedroom, quickly changing out of her bikini and into Steve's t shirt and shorts.

"Come on, Mama will nap with you. I'm exhausted." Natasha lays in bed and lifts her shirt. Grace latched instantly and slowly she stopped crying, leaving her sniffling. "You're okay, детка. Mama is right here." (Baby)

Grace slowly fell asleep with Natasha not far behind her.

When Natasha woke up, she could hear giggling outside the door.

"Shh don't wake up Mama." She heard Steve whisper.

"Wan' Mama!" James uncharacteristically yelled at his father. Sarah giggled and yelled something like mmmmma but Natasha couldn't be sure.

Natasha heard vibrations and sat up looking around. She frowned when she saw her cellphone ringing.


"Thought it was Rogers now."

"I wouldn't want anyone to get confused." Natasha smirked.

"I need you to come in."

"No can do. I'm on maternity leave. And I have already discussed that I'm not going in the field anymore." Natasha rubbed Grace's back slowly as she stirred slightly at the sound of her mother's voice.

"You're the only one. One night. We'll put your family up in a hotel close by. Maria will watch the kids and you can Cap can get to work."

Natasha chewed her thumb thinking about it. "This is a horrible idea and I'm going to regret it."

"Is that a yes?"

"I have to speak to my husband."

"Never thought I would hear you say that."

Natasha sighed before rubbing her forehead. "Just so you know, I don't appreciate it at all Fury. I'm a mother of four now. I have other responsibilities now and I'm needed here." Natasha hung up on her boss before taking some deep breaths.

This can't end well.

To be continued...

Fun fact: I was going to end this at 50 chapters 🤷🏼‍♀️

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