Something More: Part 55

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If you want the smut chapter from the night prior; it's up in my Romanogers Smut book. Chapter Four: Don't Stop

Natasha and Steve loaded their youngsters into their SUV, far too early for the little ones to handle. In all honesty it was too early for Natasha as well, but Steve was bright eyed and bushy tailed.

"I don't want to go." Natasha pouts as she gets into the passenger seat. "And I'm so tired." She sighs as she lays her head against the headrest.

Steve chuckles as he backs the car out of the garage. When he pulls out of the driveway, he places his hand on his wife's thigh, "You told me not to stop. In fact, I believe you begged me not to stop. And then you started the second round."

Natasha glares at her husband while he drives down the winding roads. "You don't have throw it in my face. I'll be sure to keep my hands to myself next time." She crosses her arms over her chest and looks out the window.

Steve grimaces, "I'm sorry, baby." He knows better than to start a fight with her this early in the morning. He squeezes her leg as she continues to ignore him.

The couple finds their parking spot at the compound and gets out of the car. Steve and Natasha both grab a backpack with supplies for the kids before they get the sleeping children. Natasha lays James's head on her shoulder and Steve holds the twins in both arms as they make their way inside.

"How do you think today is going to go?" Steve asks quietly, hoping to keep the kids asleep a little longer.

"James will love playing with the other kids, Sarah will love the attention of the caretakers and Grace with scream all day." Natasha presses the button for the elevator and sways gently with James in her arms.

"Hey, have some faith in our girl. She's getting better with her separation anxiety." Steve is proud of the fact that he can watch Grace without Natasha and no tears for over 2 hours now. It's a slow process but it's progress.

"Steve, her being more comfortable with her Daddy without me in sight has nothing to do with how she will do with strangers." Natasha smiles sadly at their youngest. She pushes some of her blonde hair away from her face and holds back and awe when she starts making a sucking motion in her sleep. Natasha digs through the bag on Steve's back and finds a pacifier with a clip before pushing the silicone through Grace's lips and clipping it to her shirt.

"You're a really good Mom, Tasha. The kids will be okay." Steve bent down gently to kiss her head, careful not to wake the sleeping toddlers.

"Thanks, baby." Natasha tries to hold her blush as the elevator doors open. The pair make their way towards Natasha's new office and are met with Maria Hill.

"Rogers. Romanoff. Mini Rogers'."

"Technically, she's a Rogers too. It took me a lot of convincing to get her to take my last name." Steve pouts as Maria takes a sleeping Sarah from him.

"Well, to make it easier here, we're going to call her Romanoff. Less confusion." Maria shrugged one shoulder as they all walked past the new nursery. "Nice hickey by the way." Steve's cheeks burned as he sent a glare to his wide. "And right here is your office. I figured you would want to be close." Maria points at the office across the hall from the nursery and walks to the door. As they head inside, Natasha notices a play pen in the corner by the desk and a comfortable looking couch along the other wall. There is two doors on the right side which Natasha opens. The first is to a conjoined office and the second is a shared bathroom.

"Who do I get the pleasure of sharing with?" Natasha turns as Maria and Steve place the girls in the play pen. She makes her way to the couch and places James on the couch.

"Yours truly." Maria fidgets with her hands and Natasha knows something is up. She eyes her best friend slightly before her husband walks over to her.

"I'll see you for lunch. I love you." Steve pecks her lips twice, the second one lingering.

"I love you too, soldier." Natasha watches as her husband's back as he leaves, with a loving smile. As soon as the door is closed she turns to her best friend, "Okay, spill-."

"Mama?" James grumbles from the couch.

"Saved by the bell." Maria mumbles under her breath, but Natasha heard her.

"We're not done. Watch the girls while I take James to day care." Natasha walks over to her son and grabs his bag before taking him in her arms. "Come on, handsome." James gives her a sleepy smile and a light blush on his cheeks. Just like his father.

Dropping James off went exactly as Natasha thought it would. She introduced him to the caretakers and as soon as his feet hit the floor, he was off and playing. Natasha smiled at her social butterfly, and watched him for a moment before heading back to her office.

When she enters, Grace is silently crying in the playpen. She thrusts her arms up when she sees her Mama and Natasha picks her up to calm her down.

"Are you pinching them to wake them up on purpose or something?" Natasha made her way to her desk, sitting down and adjusting her shirt to nurse Grace. Jokes on Maria.

"No." Maria furrows her brow slightly. "How long do babies breastfed for?"

"There is no right or wrong answer to that. Sarah has pretty much stopped on her own, except for at night. Grace is another story, she shows no signs of stopping. If anything, now that Sarah isn't nursing I feel like I'm just nursing Grace more." Natasha spoke as her focus was solely on Grace. She wiped away her tears and rocked her slightly.

"And that's normal?"

Natasha paused her rocking for a second before looking at Maria. She knew it wasn't coming from a place of judgment. Maria wasn't one to judge and she was actually a very good person.

"What's going on? What's with all the questions?" Natasha narrowed her eyes at her friend and watched her start fidgeting again. She looked tired, and slightly pale, but she didn't look any different than the Maria she knows and loves. But she looks nervous.

"That's the thing..." Maria rubbed the back of her neck.


"I'm pregnant."

To be continued...

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