Something More: Part 7

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Steve never let go of Nat's hand. It was very refreshing how much of a gentleman Steve is. Not that she should be surprised. He was old fashioned and an old sole.  In her experience, men always had an alternative motive when they were with her. Both in her personal life which was pretty nonexistent or on missions. At least with the missions she knew what she was in for. Steve had never left her thinking that he was only after getting her in bed. He would never hurt her. He was her best friend... at least she hoped he still was. She hoped more than anything that she could finally find some happiness after all her years of anguish. She hoped more than anything that she would find it with him.

"You seriously aren't going to the me where we are going?" Natasha was trying to charm it out of him. She looked at him with a "come-hither" glance. Steve looked at her and laughed nervously, "No, Natasha. It's a surprise. That's the point." He looked nervous. Natasha found it adorable, she smirked to herself knowing she has that effect on him.

"Fine." Natasha pretended to be mad and looked out the window, she gently pulled Steve's hand into her lap. He squeezed her hand slightly and she looked at him. He looked even more nervous and swallowed hard. Was he going to pass out? She couldn't understand why he was so nervous. He had touched nearly every inch of her body and now he was shy about holding her hand?

Steve parked the car and Natasha still had no idea where there were. Yes, they were in New York City, that much was clear. Steve opened Nat's door and took her hand. He lead her down the street talking about his past and how he grew up in Brooklyn. When Natasha saw where they were she paused for a second. She looked at Steve who was smiling, "You told me you always wanted to go."

"That was like 6 years ago when we first met. How did you remember?" She was still so surprised. She turned to face him and put her arms around his waist.

"I remember because when you told me you had never been on the ferry, I thought it was such a shame and that I wanted to take you on it. I couldn't have imagined you would look this beautiful though." He leaned down and kissed her, he pulled away too quickly for her liking and she pouted slightly. He grabbed her hand again and pulled her to the ferry, "Come on before we miss it!" He was grinning from ear to ear and Natasha couldn't help but feel like the luckiest girl there.

They had a lovely time on the ferry, and at the Statue of Liberty. Steve wanted to take her to his favourite diner in Brooklyn. They sat in a corner booth and talked about everything. From first crushes to the things that they feared the most. About the time they finished, Steve slid closer to Natasha. She smiled at him, to reassure him: he still looked so nervous.

"So I have been wanting to talk to you." Steve looked at something across the room and then back to Natasha, "I feel like we have been friends for so long but this was so easy for us to transition into more," she couldn't take her eyes off him. She stared into his blue eyes, unable to look away. She wanted to drown in his ocean blue eyes. She was so invested, if this was him asking to "go steady" it was going to be so corny but also the best thing that happened to her. As soon as she thought it she wanted to roll her eyes at herself. What the hell is she thinking? She is the Black Widow and she shouldn't be worried about something so trivial! If she didn't love him so damn much.. was it love? What if he realized he didn't feel the same way and wanted to be friends? She was going to be crushed. She finally admitted that she loved him, to herself at least. "I don't know how you feel about me, but I really want to make this work. And if you're in this with me I just thought we should talk about how it's going to affect the team. But first I just am dying to know if you wanted to go on another date with me because I haven't had this much fun in a very long time." Steve had a warm smile on his face that melts Natasha's heart.

"Steve, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Natasha said in a slightly mocking tone, she was grinning from ear to ear.

Steve laughed nervously and ran his hand through his hair, "Yeah I really would, if you'll have me?"

Natasha leaned closer to Steve, she stared at him for a few seconds letting him sweat, "Yes. I want you Steve." Steve leaned in for a soft kiss. She could kiss him for hours and never get tired.

On the way home, they were both fairly quiet. There was no awkward silence, they were just comfortable with the quiet and being there together. "So Wanda obviously knows about us right?" Steve glanced at Nat with a smile.

"Yeah. She is pretty excited about it actually it was cute."

"So I guess we should tell everyone right? They will find out eventually." Steve grabbed Nat's hand.

"Well I'm sure she could keep it to herself for a while longer, we don't have to let them know right away."

Steve turned to Natasha, "Miss. Romanoff! Are you embarrassed by me already??" He tried his best to remain serious, shocked and hurt but as soon as she looked at him he started laughing.

"No, I just want you all to myself." Natasha looked at him with pure lust. He was thrown and flustered. He kissed Nat's hand. "So are you coming to my room tonight?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk that did things to Steve.

"Peter and Wanda will still be up, it's not that late. I might have to steal a kiss good night when no one is looking." Steve said innocently.

Natasha stared at him. He was right it was too early. They would get back and the kids would no doubt want to watch a movie or do something. Nat couldn't help but think she didn't want the night to end like that.

"Pull over."

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Steve was suddenly full of concern. Natasha was so calm, she almost whispered. "Pull over."

To be continued...

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