Something More: Part 2

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Nat didn't want to move. She opened her eyes slightly to look at the clock: 8:24am. She hadn't slept that much in more than a week and hadn't slept that late in months. Steve at some point in the night rolled on his side and put his arms around her and was holding her tightly. His face was in the back of her neck breathing hot air on her, his whole body touching hers. She realized their fingers were interlocked and it made her smile. She moved her head slightly so she wasn't on her hair and she felt Steve stir.

Still not fully awake Steve started to sit. "I'm sorry Nat I didn't mean to stay all night, I guess I fell asleep." Running his hand through his hair. He looked even better than last night.

"It's okay really. I guess we both got a good nights sleep for once." She gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah I guess so." He laughed nervously and ran his hand through his hair again. Nat bit her lip, still trying to control herself. "I haven't slept this late in years. I'm normally on army time." He looked at the clock and back to her.

Nat smiled and sat up, bringing her knees to her chest. She wrapped her arms around her legs and looked at him. To her surprise, he didn't look away. He was normally shy and hated that much eye contact.  They sat for a few moments before he spoke.

"Well I guess we should get breakfast started and wake up the kids." As he said the words, he gave her a big smile and jumped off the bed. When he made it to the door he turned around, "Are you coming?" With his hand outstretched.

"Yes I am." Nat couldn't help but smile like an idiot and take his hand.

Steve was making pancakes, his favourite food. He could eat them for every meal. Nat was cutting up fruit and watching Steve. When breakfast was ready he went to wake up Peter and Wanda. They were the only ones saying at headquarters right now. Peter's Aunt was away doing some charity work and as he was on summer vacation she left him in Steve's charge.

When they came wandering in like zombies, Nat smiled. Their days consisted mostly of training. Today they were supposed to work on hand-to-hand combat which was Wanda's least favourite. Nat was hard on Wanda. They got along great and Wanda really looked up to her. She was trying to teach her to be more than her powers. Wanda would get frustrated and use them almost every time when Nat had her beat.

"Hey! Breakfast and then be in the gym in 40 minutes! We have a big day and we've had a late start." Steve was very enthusiastic today. Nat smirked when she realized how good his mood was. It was good to see him this way.

"Come on man. I just got up." Peter was grumbling into his coffee.

"Why did you let us sleep in anyway?" Wanda had a suspicious look on her face and looked directly at Steve. He shuffled from one foot to the other, thinking before he answered. "I know we have been working you really hard and thought you guys could have a little break."

Nat smiled and nodded to him as if giving her approval. "Yeah, we know how important sleep is, thought everyone deserved to sleep in a bit."

Wanda looked at Nat and then back to Steve. "Okay." She said slowly.

Nat smiled at Steve over her coffee and handed him a cup. He smiled back and they left to get ready.

9:30am they all met in the gym, Wanda and Peter still were not really awake yet.

Nat looked at them and then a Steve, "Want to spar until they become more human?" She said with a wild grin.

"Sure, don't go too easy on me. They will be able to tell." And he gave her a wink.

Firstly, she never takes it easy on anyone; it's not in her nature. Secondly, why did he wink? What did that mean? Just like that her head was spinning, why did he say that? Why did he wink? Did that mean something or was he being funny? And why did he WINK? She couldn't help but think he was referring to last night. Was he? She was so confused, she almost didn't notice the sparing had started.

Steve made the first move a few small jabs that wouldn't have hurt even if they did land. Nat dodged them easy enough and landed a kick to his right ribs, but as she did he caught her leg and held it, she started to lose her balance. She was only 5'2 and he was more than a foot taller than her. She used him holding her leg to her advantage. She jumped up to bring her other leg over his shoulder and swing trying to pull him down. She did make him fall but it didn't work as she intended, somehow she was under him pinned on the mat. There was no way she was getting out from under him without really hurting him.

She didn't want to hurt him. She laid there staring at him thinking about so many things. All about Steve. She was breathing heavier than she should. She could feel her pulse racing. She wanted to kiss him, she probably would have if she didn't hear Peter whooping in the back and clapping his hands reminding her that they were there. The only thing she could do was laugh. When she did, Steve laughed too and he helped her up. He whispered in her ear, "Thanks for making me look good, I know you could have beaten me." And then he walked towards Peter. Nat just stared after him. Maybe if he hadn't have thrown her off like that. If she wasn't laying there thinking about something else they could be doing with her on her back if they didn't have an audience.

Nat was hardly present when she was sparing Wanda, she still managed to beat her every time but it was much closer than normal. "You're getting good Wanda." She said trying to stay focused.

"You're taking it easy on me today, I can tell. But, I'll take it." Wanda said drinking some water.

Nat sat on the bench and watched as Peter and Steve were laughing as their workout was coming to an end. Steve turned to look at the girls and gave Nat a smile, which she returned before looking away and blushing.

To be continued...

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