Something More: Part 30

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I know this is super late, my apologies. Life happens, I will try to get back on track. For now I hope this long chapter makes up for the wait. Enjoy!

"Steve. No."

"Come on, Nat. It will be fun!" Steve begged, pouting at his girlfriend. "James wants a little brother or sister."

Natasha turned to look at Steve, narrowing her eyes glaring at him. "Then lets have another baby."

"I don't mean another baby. Not yet, love. Come on, I have always wanted a dog!"

"I thought this was for James?"

Steve puffed his cheeks trying to think of an excuse quickly. He knew he already angered the ex assassin when he took a different turn on the way home from grocery shopping and stopped at the shelter. Natasha had reluctantly left James with Wanda after she told her that James needed some "Auntie Wanda time" and she reassured them she would be perfectly fine to watch him for a few hours. Natasha had rushed though the grocery store trying to get home as soon as possible before Steve ruined her plans.

"You have 15 minutes and I am not agreeing to take one home. We are LOOKING. Deal?"

Steve quickly pulled Natasha from the car kissing her cheek. "Deal. I love you." Natasha just shook her head smiling to herself as she took his hand. He was like a kid at Christmas. Walking into the shelter, Steve dragged Natasha in the direction of the kennels. It was loud and smelly and Natasha couldn't see her allowing any of the dogs in her house. She told Steve not to even bother looking at the puppies as he was back to going on missions at the end of next week and she was not cleaning up after it or training it. At some point Natasha wandered off and found a room that was quiet to sit and wait for Steve. She sat down closing her eyes for a moment before she felt something against her leg.

"It's been a while since anyone has managed to sneak up on me." Natasha looked down at the small black cat. He had green eyes as she felt like he was staring into her soul. He meowed softly to her before jumping on her lap. "Friendly little guy aren't you? Where are your friends?" Natasha pet the cat as he started purring. One of the shelter workers was walking by when she stopped dead in her tracks. She walked in the room slowly and Natasha glared at her slightly with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry Ma'am, but I have never seen Salem that affectionate with anyone. She normally hides from all the staff."

Natasha looked at the small cat that yawned on her lap. She was obviously a horrible judge of character if she chose an assassin as her preferred company. The woman left, and a few moments later Steve walked in. He smiled when he saw Natasha smiling softly at the cat.

"Find anything baby?" Natasha looked up at Steve quickly before turning her attention back to the cat in her lap. Steve thought about the soft look in her eyes. He had wanted a dog for protection and also to keep Natasha company while he was on missions. But seeing her with the cat he knew that he had to put his own thoughts about the perfect pet for them aside.

"Yeah, actually. You think this little guy would like to come home with us?" Natasha's head snapped to Steve. A small smile pulling at her lips.

"I thought you wanted a dog?"

"I didn't see any that were right for our family. But he looks like a keeper." Steve pet the cat gently who climbed up Natasha and perched on her shoulder like a parrot eyeing Steve.

"I think you offended her. But if your sure than I think we could take her home." Steve knew it was worth it for just the smile on her face.

" Steve knew it was worth it for just the smile on her face

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