Something More: Part 13

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The mission was going as planned. Sam was keeping a close eye on the target's body guards and Natasha had him eating out of the palm of her hand. She had been flirting with him for an hour and was rubbing his arm and he was getting more and more handsy. She had been stealing the odd glances at Steve. He was burning a hole through this guys head and Natasha was worried that Steve wouldn't be able to control himself if it went on much longer. She could hear Sam and Wanda talking to him on the coms and they were repeating themselves and sometimes having to yell to get his attention. Natasha suggested they leave and with no surprise, the target was very excited. He even decided to bring only one bodyguard with him as his driver. Natasha mentally thanked god aa they were walking out. As they were waiting on the car to be brought around the target grabbed Natasha's ass and shoved his tongue down her throat. She was trying to keep leading him on but it was more than difficult. He tasted like cheap whiskey and cigarettes and it was making her nauseous. There was an unfamiliar feeling in the pit of her stomach and a tightness in her chest. What the hell is that??

Much to her relief, someone bumped into them almost knocking them over. She turned to see Steve with a look of what could only be classified as concern mixed with rage. Before the target could see it, Sam spun Steve around and punched him, "Stay away from my girl, man!" Wanda got in between them pretending she was the girlfriend and trying to defuse the situation. Lucky it went right over this guys head and he laughed at their barbaric ways. Natasha got in the back of his car with him looking at Steve before she closed the door. She didn't miss the kicked puppy look on his face that hurt her heart.

Things only got worse in the car. He was all over Natasha and she was having a hard time keeping it PG in the car by saying she didn't want the driver to see anything he shouldn't. They were almost to the hotel when she couldn't handle it anymore. She took two widow bites out of her bra and zapped the target, and then the driver, climbing over the console to the front seat to stop the car from crashing. She parked the car and called for backup. Rhodey and Tony showed up first, they ditched the bodyguard and handcuffed the target putting him in the trunk.

"You okay Nat?" Tony looked a little concerned. He could tell Natasha wasn't in a good mood and was just standing there with her arms crossed looking at seemingly nothing while letting the guys do the heavy lifting which was never her style.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just waiting on Steve. I'll see you guys back at Sheild." She said not even looking at him. Tony knew not to push and didn't even crack a joke. He and Rhodey left and it was only 5 minutes until Sam, Wanda and Steve pulled up in Steve's truck.

"Do you and Wanda mind taking the target back to HQ?"

"No, not at all. Where is he?" Sam was looking in the car for him.

"The trunk." Was all Natasha said as she continued walking away and got in the passenger seat of the truck. Steve and Natasha sat in silence for a few moments staring at each other. Neither one wanting to be the first one to speak. Ultimately, Steve was more concerned if Natasha was okay.

"Are you okay Nat?"

"I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle."

"I'm sorry. I know you're mad. I couldn't help myself. It was too hard. I don't like that the team made you do that." Steve looked at his hands. He was trying to avoid her eyes now. Natasha knew he couldn't take it. She knew before the mission he couldn't. But what was she going to say to Fury and the team? I'm sorry I can't do that now, I have a secret boyfriend? She let out a sigh and grabbed his hand.

"Baby, I know. It was really hard for me too. I didn't like it at all and it was awful. But you almost blew our mission and then it would have been all for nothing." She ran her fingers down his jawline while intwining her other hand with his. "I think Sam knows now. I'm surprised you didn't tell him." She smiled at him while lifting his chin so he would look at her.

"Yeah he was pretty mad at me all night and as soon as you got in the car he shoved me and said you could have told me you're dating her! It would have been easier knowing you needed a full time babysitter! And then some stuff about almost blowing the mission. I got an ear full. The whole time I just couldn't stop thinking about you being in that car with him."

"Nothing happened. I'm fine. I need a drink, but I'm okay." Natasha gave him a reassuring smile.

"Come here." Steve pulled her into a hug and held her tight burying his face in her neck. After a few minutes holding each other they decided the team would be waiting on them and headed home. Natasha never let go of Steve's hand until they got out at the garage.

Walking into the compound they met Tony at the elevator, "Hey, if it isn't my favourite lovebirds!" Natasha still wasn't in the mood and glared at him. "As much as I would love to stay and chat. I only came to let you guys know you have a weeks vacation starting tomorrow."

Steve raised his eyebrow, "Why do we have a week vacation?"

"Well you guys worked all summer while we were off. Anyway, my private jet is going to be ready for you at 7am to take you to California. You can stay at my house in Malibu. Pepper just had it remodelled and she is dying for people to see it." Tony said as he was walking away.

Natasha was standing there with a confused look on her face, "He's up to something." As they boarded the elevator.

"Does it really matter, Baby? I mean if I get to spend a week with you with no missions and no one around to cast judgement or opinions on our relationship I'm willing to overlook just about anything Tony does." He pulled Natasha close and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You're right. I'm looking forward to no one walking in on us, or hearing us." She gave him a smirk while throwing her arms around his neck. "But I'm still calling Pepper before we leave." She pulled away as the doors opened and Steve smiled.

They went to their rooms to pack and then Steve went to Natasha's to sleep. He held her in his arms as she put her head on his chest. "Nat?"


"I love you"

She lifted her head to look at him and smiled, resting her chin on him, "I love you too." She gave him a long peck on the lips, "Goodnight"

To be continued...

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