Chapter 1: The Last Straw

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To be completely revised

Quick Note:

Hey, so yeah, this is the first fanfiction I have ever published. I have been working on this fanfiction for a few months now, so I have a few chapters already written at this point so I can stay ahead of schedule. My plan is to upload about every week or so, I'll do my best. Anyways, thank you for giving this a chance and I appreciate any criticism you may have for me, I may look up writing tips on YouTube, but I'm still just a noob lol!

Also here are some songs that inspired me to write this:

Home by Morgxn
Wonder by Morgxn

If you are under the age of consent where you live please wait until you are old enough to read and engage with this story. Where I live that age is 17 and over. Thank you for understanding.

I feel nothing.

Waves of pleasure course through my body, but I don't feel anything for the petty bitch fucking my ass. Why can't I enjoy it more, like I used to? Actually, I don't care; but does part of me want to? Am I just trying to convince myself that I don't care? I have no clue, and I don't know if I want to know. What I do know is I'm getting rupees, so there's that...

A familiar creaking sound echoes throughout the house. Blood runs cold. Did he not notice that someone came home!? Please, for the love of the goddesses, tell me it's Kem that came home and not father! Too late. Rough hands dig into my skin, tossing me out the room, he pulls me up again, throwing me out the front door. The cold night wind makes direct contact with my skin, sending chills throughout my whole body. The bastard I met today had also been thrown out.

"YOU ARE NO FUCKING SON OF MINE!!! LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK!!!" Ezul roars, my clothes smacking my face.

Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously!? Did that seriously just happen...?

"Damn, your dad is pissed. Anyways, here's the rupees you asked for. That was some of the best sex I've had in a while! You know, I'd be alright if you wanted to move in with me."

Fire rushes up my face as I stand. I seize them from his hand.


I hastily get clothed, push the bastard to the side and make my way to the stables. I'm going to buy a horse and get the fuck out of this cursed place!

"Welcome, Mister Alsun! How can I help you today?" The stable keeper asks.

"I want your fastest steed." I toss her some rupees.

"Woah! No problem! Please wait here."

I wait for her, body tense and foot tapping. She comes back leading a little black stallion with a white mane.

"This is Oreo! He may be small, but he's got lots of stamina, and speed for days! Please take good care of him!"

"You have my thanks."

Despite not knowing too well how to ride a horse, I immediately hop on Oreo and head out of Castle Town. I miss my old town, Aven, and my old friends. And that's exactly where I'm headed! Home, here I come!

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