Chapter 2: A New Home?

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Perhaps, leaving was the wrong move to make?

Oreo races through the vast grassy fields as I turn my head back. Something is odd about the place I used to call home, but I can't seem to pinpoint exactly what it is; is it the color? Did it always look that way from afar, and I was unaware? A chill crawls up my spine, making me shiver. I cling to Oreo's soft, thick mane in hopes of warming up. Eyelids getting heavier, heavier...


"Ahhh!!! Woah!"

I yelp, sliding off of Oreo for the thousandth time, trying to grasp his reins to stabilize myself. I sigh as we near a lot of lush greenery. This looks familiar! It has been about 2 days, maybe I'm getting close to Aven? My cheeks involuntarily pull up at the prospect. Oreo continues down the path and through a large wooden, rope bridge. While being carried into the village, excitement dies down. I recognize this place! And as far as I remember, it's nowhere near Aven. Damn it! Low rumbling sounds reverberate in my stomach, my eyelids relax and shut a little. Well, perhaps it's for the best.

"Hey! It's yew again! Half of the directionally challenged rascal duo! (Y/n), was it?" The mayor asks while running over to greet me, my lips tugging up a bit, emitting a light chuckle.

"That's me! Greetings, Mayor Bo! Long time no see!"

"Where's that troublesome lil' brother of yers? Kem, was it?"

"That's him, but I come alone today."

"Any reason why?" He asks.

My head falls, Oreo's mane suddenly becomes far more interesting. I don't really want to tell him, but maybe he can help?

"Hm, I see. Well ya know yer're always welcome here!"

"Um, my father actually sort of, kicked me out. But, what's more important is that I was planning to go to Aven, up in the Snow Peak province. I've been on the move for about two days now I believe, but I still somehow only ended up here."

"Bawhaha! That so? Still livin' up to yer title here, eh? Regardless, how about yew rest here a while? I'm sure yer're awful hungry and tired after so long! Uli should be home, I'm sure she'd be happy to cook up some famous Ordon soup for ya! I'm sure she'd appreciate the company! Listen, I know how much trouble ya have findin' yer way around, so how about I take ya there mah-self?"

Heat makes its way to my cheeks. He's really not letting that go, is he? People get lost, it happens! Still... It's a good idea.

"Yes, that's most likely a good idea. Thank you." I lower my head and shoulders a bit in order to replicate a bow.

"Perfect! Come along then!"

The horns on his cheeks lower as he turns around to show me to Uli's home. Did I upset him? Should I have explained myself more?

We were nearing a house with a water wheel, six people walk over to a fishing dock ahead of us, four children and two others. I recognize Illia and the children from the last time I was here, but I don't remember the guy next to her. He has long, pointed ears. He's a Hylian, unlike the rest of us... Like everyone else in Castle Town.

"Woah! Who is that? Did he come from the castle!? Look at his clothes!!! His horse! So fancy!!!"

One of the children, the girl, runs toward me. Her comment makes the other five turn their heads and stroll toward me. This town's peaceful essence truly helps calm my nerves from the unforeseen changes in my life, but damn... I need to eat something soon.

"Beth, that's (Y/n). Do ya not remember him? Hello, (Y/n)!" Illia greets, smiling and waving.

"It's nice to see you again, Illia!" I return her smile.

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