Chapter 4: Change of Plans

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I dash into the nearest house. Uli, Fado and I stare at each other in utter shock and disbelief. Uli looks around frantically. She stares out the window, my gaze following hers. Rusl runs towards a monster that is close, to attack it. His sword slips from his grasp as the monster lashes out, trying to hit him.


Holy shit. Uli is absolutely terrified by the idea of losing Rusl. Right, she's also pregnant! Shit! Shit! Oh, FUCK IT! 

Rushing to Rusl, I help him up, offering support to get him back into the house, but one of those disgusting creatures manages to slash his back. I lose grip of him. SHIT! I can't get him back to the house safely without distracting this fucking thing! His sword. DAMN IT! I have no other choice. 


With Rusl's sword in hand, I somehow manage to knock the grotesque thing back enough to rush him inside. It's a miracle I didn't get hurt. How did I do that?!

"Oh dear Goddesses! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, (Y/n)!" Uli thanks profusely.

Holy shit… that just happened. I just did that.

"U-uh, right…"

Uli immediately moves on to treating his wound. For a moment it was nearly dead silent. The monsters ransacking the village just outside those doors turned into background noise, noise that we quickly got accustomed to. The reality of it all… This is happening. Rusl was right.

"I reckon it's best we stay inside if we want to live?" Fado asks, attempting to disguise his panic.

"Colin! MY COLIN! Oh sweet Goddesses, please let him be okay! PLEASE!" 

Damn… don't lose it now! I can't lose it now! But, everyone… Holy shit. I nod in agreement to Fado's query, trying desperately to ignore Uli's pleading, the burning in the back of my eyes, and the weight in my chest.

"Ugh… Where, where's everyone? Are they all okay? Link? Illia? The childre- COLIN!" Rusl yells.

He immediately rises and opens the door. I pull him back, but his focus is elsewhere. Colin! And Illia! They come rushing out of the spring. She pulls him, seemingly trying to find shelter from the monsters. He trips and slips out of her grasp. One of the things aims an arrow straight for him and releases. She sprints to him and shields him, the arrow striking her back. 

"GYAHHH!!!" She wails in pain.

She's bleeding so much. She falls limp on the ground. Oh, fucking goddesses. Is she…?

"ILLIA! COLIN!!" Rusl cries.

He tries to sprint towards them, but I strengthen my grip on his arm and pull back. 

"You can't! You're injured! It's too dangerous, we can't beat them."

That look… It's so desperate… 

"That's my son!"

Woah. He loves Colin so much. Is that what a father's love for his son should look like? 


The largest, most hideous, most grotesque monster of them all takes Illia and Colin with it and its boar gallops towards the village bridge to escape. WHAT THE FUCK?! I take Rusl's sword once again and sprint to catch up with them. At the bridge, all the monsters rush past me and exit, following the most vile of them all, the colossal one who I assume is their leader. However, a massive transparent mist of shadow starts to form at the bridge and it's difficult to make out, but it seems like even more monsters roam around. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! CAN I EVEN LEAVE?!

Solar Eclipse (Link x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now