Chapter 18 (L): Treating Wounds

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AN: I'm sorry again for literally being 2 weeks late with this update, but some things came up and I had to help my friend out for a while. Hopefully I'll be able to have more time to write. Again, sorry. That's not cool of me lol! But I promise I absolutely plan to finish this series c:

"OH NO! (Y/N)! Link! Renado! We have to take them both to Renado!" Illia says.

"Let's not waste any more time!" Telma says.

She urges us into the village. I nod and get a better grip on (Y/n), making sure he doesn't slip. It's all my fault, again! As we run into the village, we bump into Renado and Luda also running out of the village.

"Ah! There they are! And the Zora Prince too!" Luda says

"Huh? How'd you know?" I ask.

"The spirit, Eldin, came into my dream to tell me about a Zora Prince who needs our help!

"Oh, that's great! It's just what we need. (Y/n) also needs your help. He was hit pretty badly... He passed out." I say.

"Of course! Come back to my home. I'll treat them right away." Renado says.

I carry (Y/n) and Illia carries Prince Ralis to Renado's home and we set them down in separate, isolated rooms. Renado immediately works to stop (Y/n)'s bleeding. He then leaves to treat Ralis. Illia and I sit beside each other watching over (Y/n).

"Link... Thank you for your help today. I'm so glad you're alive! That monster told me that you and everyone else died. I was so broken and sad. I'm sorry I forgot you... I was too weak. "

"No! You're not weak because of that. You went through a lot... I don't even know what I would do if I was kidnapped and then believed that everyone I knew and loved died... I'm so glad you're back. I'm glad you're okay now. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. How did you escape?"

"Thank you. And It's okay. I just ran away and eventually found an old woman in an abandoned village who helped me find Castle Town. I found the spot outside of Telma's tavern and just dropped down and cried. I had lost my memory by then. I still don't remember everything that happened to me, but I think I'm okay with that. (Y/n) is so kind. I hope he gets better soon. I'm gonna go check on that Zora boy okay, Link?" She says.

I nod and she leaves. She must have been through something horrible.

"I'm so sorry, Illia..." I whisper as she leaves.

"... You had something really important to do. It's not your fault." Midna says in my shadow.

I guess she's right, still doesn't make me feel much better. Just look at (Y/n). What's worse is it's not even the first time... I'm the world's worst hero.

"Besides, if it weren't for you, that Zora kid would've died." She says.

Hm... She has a point I guess. (Y/n) looks so at peace when he's asleep. I wonder what he has to deal with everyday that he doesn't tell me about. I want to know more. It drives me crazy that he doesn't go into more detail about what he's been through. Why's it so hard for him? He says he trusts me, but I wonder if that's true. What is he worried about? I can't judge him...

"Just relax and wait for the two to heal and wake up. Then you'll get the water armor or whatever and get me the last fused shadow. After that you can be with your friends again and not have to deal with me anymore." She says.

I nod at her comment. Still don't feel good. She's not going to be my friend, is she? (Y/n)... I'm always at ease when he's around. He's my friend, right? I'm so comfortable with him. Why? He's still someone who I don't know much about. Yet, he's amazing. Brave, compassionate, funny, confident, bold... things I wish I was more of. What are your flaws?! There has to be something I don't know. Something we have truly in common. Do I really deserve to have him in my life? I thought Illia was already too good to be my friend, now there's (Y/n)...But, I'm selfish. I want him in my life. I stroke his hair, his face, his chin. His head tilts back. He has a birthmark under his chin. I trace it with my fingers. It's just a blotchy patch of skin that's a slightly different color than the rest of his body. It's unique. I like it. His face, hair, round ears, his eyes, his voice, his touch. I wish I was a real hero, then he wouldn't have been hurt... His eyebrows twitch and start to scrunch up. He's waking up! He's okay! I slowly lean in to hug him and he hugs back.

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