Chapter 16: Three's A Party

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AN: I'm so sorry I didn't post last week, family came over that I don't see very often and I spent most of my time with them, but I'm back now and I'll try my best to get the next chapter out  on time!

"I cannot grasp how no one is interested in such a fascinating topic… There's so many groundbreaking truths to discover! But no one seems to care. SURELY, somebody out there has to understand my theories!"

"I think it sounds pretty cool! What did you say? Something about a city in the sky? I would buy that book! Reminds me of the sky spirits my mom always talked about when I was younger. Do you think they could be real? Maybe the sky city can help me communicate more with my mom!"

"Huh?! You would?! Uh, (Y/n), was it? That's… That would help me out a lot! I have a copy right here! It's only 50 rupees!"

"Sure! Here!"

I hand him a 50 and take his book, flipping through the pages. 

"Thank you! Please spread the word about my work! Maybe then more people will-"

"(Y/n)! Can you come with me for a moment?"

Telma interrupts Shad and I's conversation. Oh no, does she know about Edun? Is she going to ban me too? My heart speeds up a little with the anxiety. I nod and follow her upstairs. 

"So, (Y/n)… Alsun? (Y/n) Alsun, correct?"

Huh? She knows my surname? What does it matter?

"Um, yeah… that's my name. Why?"

"Your father has been asking around to see if anyone knew what happened to you. From what you told me, it seems you're both quite impulsive. Don't worry. I won't say anything. That's your business. I just thought I'd let you know that your father cares for you. Anyways, aside from that, I wanted to tell you more about the Resistance and what we've discovered. First, Shad, who you met today, is a part of that group, as am I. Rusl is too, as I'm sure he's told you. We have two other members. Auru, who was Princess Zelda's teacher, and Ashei, who is a talented swordswoman and studies the Yeti. We call ourselves the Resistance, though we don't truly know exactly what it is we are resisting. But, we are a close knit group who can keep secrets. Can you, (Y/n)?"

"Can I?! You have no idea of the things I've had to keep under wraps. So yeah, I'm pretty sure I can keep quiet about this too."

She smiles at me. 

"We still don't have much of an idea about what exactly is happening in Hyrule, but we do know that somehow the castle is being heavily guarded by monsters, and Princess Zelda is being held captive somewhere inside. We have tried to save her many times, but were unable to succeed. What you need to tell Rusl is that we believe we have pinpointed where Zelda is being held: the north guard tower. However, we've no way to get there without encountering those powerful monsters. The only option we see is through the walls, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an opening in the wall to that specific tower. In addition, we believe that the people of Castle Town are being deceived, believing that not much is going on. That's about it. Otherwise, it's business as usual."

"Got it. I'll be sure to let him know. If I can help in any way,  please let me know. I have no clue what's happened, but if we can turn things back to normal, I'd love to!"

"Perfect! Just what I love to hear! Well that's about it for now, how about you head back downstairs and accompany Li, she seems to have already formed a strong bond with you. I don't know what you said to her, but I'm glad you are a positive influence on the sweet girl. Ah yes! And another member will be arriving here soon, Auru."

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