Chapter 10: Moving Forward, I Hereby Swear...

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Chirp! Chirp-chirp!

A unique, soothing scent of what I can only think of as burnt wood mixed with a hint of rain and something else unknown, seems to swirl around me. The warm rays of the sun fill my vision with a deep, dark red hue. My body half warm, half cold. Morning has come again. I idly open my eyes, adjusting them to the unfamiliar lighting of the sun's rays shining through the leaves. Immediately, I recognize that the lovely aroma is coming off of Link. I forgot we had cuddled last night to stay warm. WELL! That's a weird thing to notice first thing in the morning… OH MY GOD! Am I a creep?! Regardless, what's more pressing right now is what's going on down there.

I very, VERY carefully detangle myself from him, trying my absolute damn hardest not to wake him up. Now free from his comfortable grasp, I yawn and stretch my arms and back. Rubbing my eyes, I stand up, walk over to a bush and attempt to relieve some built up pressure. Well… this is… to put it mildly, awkward… Once I manage to finish, I sigh in relief and tuck it back in. Hopefully it'll die down soon, these clothes certainly don't help much. The worst part is that I don't even know if it's up because of normal reasons… or because of sexual ones… Link groans and turns to lie on the other side of his body. Did he wake up? I walk over to him and lightly tap his shoulder with my foot.

"Are you awake?" I whisper.

No response. I guess he's still asleep. Well shit. I have to wake him up, right? He said he needed to get to Death Mountain as soon as possible, right? Damn. I decide to pace around the area instead of waking him, waiting to calm down first. Hey, I see it again… an odd looking shadow seems to be lurking behind him. Is it his sleep paralysis demon? I laugh at the stupid inside joke me and Kem have. Kem often has sleep paralysis hallucinations, and would often want to sleep in my room after one. The joke started when he came home and showed me a terrible wood carving sculpture of what I think was supposed to be some animal-human hybrid. I told him that it looked like MY sleep paralysis demon and he told me that I could've just said it looked bad and then we both had a good laugh. I crack up from the memory. Awe, Kem. My little brother, I do miss him. I might be able to see him again when I go back to Castle Town! But I still don't want to see Ezul… And most certainly not Edun… Link groans louder and shuffles around. Alright, he's definitely awake now, and I'm still not completely in the clear. Oh well, whatever, fuck it. I bend down and shake his shoulder. 

"Morning, sleepy head. I wish I could sleep in as much as you. That would be so much better than having to go to mind-numbingly boring events, just to 'show respect'. Ahaha!"

He groans some more and kind of growls even. 

"Did you just growl at me? Fucking weirdo, haha! You think I WANT to train with Rusl today? Anyway, come on, didn't you say you have to arrive at Death Mountain as soon as possible? Get your lazy ass up! If I'm not allowed to be lazy, then you aren't either!"

He turns away from me, groaning again, this time tucking into himself. 

"Death Mountain can wait a few minutes…"

Oh! I see. I chuckle at the thought. I do wonder… But, he deserves privacy as much as I do.

"Ah, alright then. In that case, I should probably wait a while too."

I continue to walk around to get my blood flowing to other places. He finally sits up, putting on his tunic quickly, his knees up and wrists resting on them. Oreo neighs and approaches me. 

"Look who finally got a proper night's sleep! I'm sorry I didn't let you rest well before, little Oreo. I'll do better from now on!"

Link smiles up at me and Oreo, his smile faltering shortly after. 

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