So Sorry I'm WAY late Again!

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I know a lot of you are cool with my lateness with this fic, but I still feel the need to apologize.

I've tried to get work done on this next chapter that's actually gonna move the plot forward, but because if the circumstance I'm in right now I wasn't able to do much at all.

I've been real pissed at my parents' racist co-worker. I have such an urge to chew him the fuck out. But anyways!

I'm doing a bit better now and will keep on trying to get it done, even if I only write a sentence a day. I actually just re-watched the Game Grumps' playthrough of TP hd and feel more invigorated to finish my ff and get to that cool scene that I thought of for the near end!

So yeah, for now please enjoy this cute chibi Illia I drew in an alt outfit for the next chapter :D

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