Chapter 23: Best Friend Energy

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AN: hey everyone! It's been a while lol! I finally got this next chapter done now that things are a little more stable in my life. I'll be rereading and revising the whole story again, I don't think it should take too long since I usually revise before posting, but there's always something to improve lol! Anyways please enjoy this 3,000+ words, wholesome, light hearted chapter lol!

Thanks as always for being very forgiving and patient :)

Illia and I make our way back to Renado's home as Link and Ralis fade into the distance, on their way to Lakebed temple, running way ahead of us.

"So... Link had a fancy looking scarf around his neck, it looked awfully familiar. Did, uh, did ya give it to him?" She asks.

"Oh, yes, I did. It looks good on him doesn't it?"

I smile at her. Somehow he's even more attractive wearing my scarf around his neck.

"Yeah... Anyways, It's been a few years since I've last seen you." She says.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"No, no! It's okay, really. I understand. You did lose your mom in that time and it seems like you've been in a rough place for a while. I'm not mad, promise!"

She jumps in front of me and smiles reassuringly, with her arms behind her back.

She's so sweet! Hey, hold on, I think I remember hearing from someone that she doesn't have her mom either... Should I ask about it?

"You're right. Thank you, Illia. I wish I had come sooner. You seem like an amazing friend."

"Right back atcha! And now we have the time to talk, finally!"

"That's true!"

We grin at each other as we approach the house, Telma, Renado, Luda, Colin, Beth and Talo all outside.

"Hey Telma! Hey Beth, Talo, Colin!" Illia greets them.


Colin, Beth, and Talo run up to hug her.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you all safe, healthy and smiling again!"

"Awe! We're happy to see you again too, Illia!" Beth says.

"Yeah! I'm so glad you're okay and remember us!" Colin says.

"I'm so grateful that you got your memory back, Illia! I'm so glad you didn't have to start over after all." I say.

She grins at me and hugs me tightly. It's amazing that we all managed to somehow avoid death and meet up again. I'm so thankful for that. Telma turns to Renado.

"You sure you wouldn't like to join me and the others, handsome?" Telma asks Renado.

"I'm afraid not. I have much to attend to, but please enjoy yourselves! Kakariko is a lively village!" He says, bowing and turning away from us.

'What a shame. Oh well, let's go!" She says.

I guess he's not all that interested in Telma. I walk up to her.

"I'm sorry, Telma."

"Eh, It's no problem. It's not your fault, (Y/n). Haha! Whatever his reason may be, that's just how it is... For now at least. Ooh! I love me a mysterious man! I'm gonna keep trying." She winks at me.

"Haha! Don't overdo it." I warn.

She laughs and smacks me on my back. Ow... she's really strong.

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