Chapter 3: Nothing's Wrong...

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Today. I'm definitely leaving for Aven. I can't help Rusl, he'll just have to figure something out himself. Besides, something is telling me that Rusl might be a little bit… out of it.

"Are you certain that you don't want me to teach you? We don't know much about these monsters, they could be very dangerous."

I'm honestly not sure whether I should trust in Rusl's words; what he's saying just sounds so fantastical and outrageous. I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary since I left Castle Town, well besides Castle Town itself, but that had absolutely nothing to do with monsters. Regardless, I have to get there, no matter what.

"Yes, I'm certain. I'll be alright. I'm grateful for your concern." 

I give him a warm smile.

"Um, dad… "

Colin shyly walks up to Rusl, pulling on the fabric of his pants to get his attention.

"Not right now Colin, the adults are talking." Rusl replies.

Damn. Colin looks down with a worried expression and then hesitantly leaves.

"Okay, I understand. Do you have everything you'll need yet?" Rusl asks.

"Not yet, I was heading to the mayor's home to pick up the list, Illia said she'd help guide me."

"You know where his house is now, right?"

… Wow… 

"Yes, yes I do, I'm not THAT hopeless."

"Understood. Be careful, lad."

"I will be as vigilant as possible."

"Don't forget to ask Fado for his map!"

"I promise I won't. Thank you!"

I head off to see the mayor. Once I arrive at his house, I knock on the door. Finally, I'll be home soon enough!

"Ah, right! Let's go over everythin' yew'll need to head on over to Snow Peak." Mayor Bo says.

"Yes, absolutely! You have my thanks, Mayor Bo!" I bow.

"Aha! You Castle folk and yer formalities! No need for any of that here, (Y/n)." He says.

Wow... They live so loosely here. Must be nice.

"Hehe! That's just mah father for ya!" Illia replies.

I chuckle. Shortly after, the sound of hooves approach.

"Oh! Father, look! There's Link!"

"Oh! Sorry (Y/n), please excuse me fer a minute." 

I nod in acknowledgement. Out of curiosity, I go along with them to see what it's all about. Maybe it truly wouldn't hurt to attempt to befriend Link too!

"Hey! Link! I wanted to talk to yew about somethin'." The mayor says.

The Hylian hops off of his, mostly, caramel mare with a white mane and markings. I haven't really noticed his attire until now. Nothing odd, in fact I bet Uli had made them for him. I personally find the style to be fairly strange, with so many separate pieces and layers I wonder how long it takes to dress and undress, likely too long! But regardless of how impractical they may seem, he looks pretty good in them, weird waist cloth and skirt and all. I wonder, what would it be like to undress him in that? My eyes travel up to his face. He seems, exhausted?

"Look, I know yew said ya didn't want to present the sword to the royal family, but the thang is… While Rusl could take it, Uli is heavily pregnant. She could have the baby any moment now, and she needs Rusl to be with her for the time bein'. I'm sorry to push this burden onta ya Link, but yer're the only one who can take the gift."

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