Chapter 12: Journey to the Top

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AN: I decided I might as well share my fan art that I made because I am legitimately proud of it, even if it didn't come out the way I wanted lol XD

Aside from that, the next chapter might take a bit longer since I have yet to decide on exactly what I want to happen, so sorry if it takes longer, hopefully it won't.

The children all greet us as we approach. I get off of Oreo and pat him gently. I'll be sure to give him some treats after that performance. 

"Where's Colin?! Is he okay?!" Link asks, worried.

Renado nods and brings him out of his home, still out cold.

"He's healthy. He's showing signs of waking soon. Perhaps you would like to watch after him in the meantime? I've got another problem I must sort out."

Link nods in agreement, sitting down. Renado gently places Colin onto his lap.

"Another problem?" I ask him.

"Nothing like the one you both just dealt with. Do not worry. It's only a sociopolitical issue."

I nod. Link cradles Colin's head. I sit down next to him. We look into each other's eyes for a moment and smile, understanding that everything turned out okay. We look back at Colin, waiting for him to wake up. The other children also gather around. 

"He saved me. And yew both saved all of us. That's incredible. Please wake up, Colin." Beth says.

Surprisingly enough, Colin seems to have heard her, as he begins to open his eyes, Link staring down at him with a soft and relieved expression, smiling gently.

"He's awake! Colin, are yew okay? Thanks for saving me earlier!" 

"For a wimp, yer're pretty brave!" Talo says. 

"You're amazing, Colin. I'm so proud of you!" Link says. 

"Thank you… I knew that you'd come to save us. My father once told me to get strong like you. I thought that was impossible for me… But that's not true. I now realized what he meant. Strength isn't about power. It's about being brave! As always, Link… you're my hero!"

He visibly blushes. So fucking adorable! He was such a badass not too long ago with such a stern, focused and determined expression. I'm liking the duality! I'm liking a lot about him actually, but I'm still not certain. I don't know if he even has the capability of being interested in me, but I digress. Colin raises his arm in the air. 

"Well, actually… You should be thanking (Y/n). He's the one who really saved us."

"No, we did it together."

He sneaks a cheeky glance of doubt. He takes Colin's hand. 

"Regardless. I'm so relieved… My strength is gone."

He stares off, seemingly into space, getting teary eyed.

"I'm glad… Really… Colin… I'm so glad… That everyone's safe." 

Colin gets off of his lap. Link looks down and wipes his tears. I get closer to him and hug him, rubbing his back to comfort him, smiling. 

He looks up, tears gently running down his face.

"I was worried I wouldn't save you guys… I'm so happy."

He hugs me back, placing his head into my neck, sobbing. He must have been very stressed. Fair enough, he was literally hanging by one hand over certain death. I stroke his hair. He looks at me with red, puffy eyes, smiling.

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