Chapter 7: Fight or Flight? Part 2

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A blaze of red, white and yellow encases my view of the forest. Oreo catches on to the potentially dire situation and freaks out, rearing with such speed that I lose my grip and slip off of him. In an attempt to protect my head, I tuck it into my chest with my arms wrapped above it. The pressure and pain of the impact knocks the wind out of my lungs, forcing me to let out a high pitched, tight screech. I lay there, practically paralyzed from the fall, luckily I'm still conscious and my head didn't get injured, I don't think. However, the flames inch closer by the second and hordes of animals come scampering by to escape. I have to get up and get out of here! Despite my best efforts to act, my body lies frozen to the ground, still agonizing from the pain, the searing heat, and the ashes entering my lungs. I think for the first time in my life, I feel completely helpless… I've never been in a situation that is even slightly similar to this. 

It all just happened so suddenly… Like when the monsters came through the village, but at least then I was able to do something… Please, someone help me… I can't breathe. Why can't I move?! I need to get out of here!

My eyes begin to shut, but I try to keep them open just a little longer. And, finally, after what feels like forever, I can move a little and breathe again, but the only thing in the air is soot, causing me to aggressively cough. I attempt to get up, but I only manage to lift my torso off the ground. But, in the distance I can see what seems to be a person wearing green clothes. I extend one arm toward them.

"Help me!"

I try to yell as loud as I can, but immediately begin wheezing and coughing violently again. But I can't give in now! I have to keep trying to stay awake and get out. I have to.

"(Y/N)?! Hold on!"

His silhouette sprints to me, wasting no time in lifting me up and assisting me with walking to safety. Is he Link? Why does he look so different? Goddamn… my head hurts… all this ash isn't doing me any favors. Just stay awake. Eventually, we make it inside the temple, the fire still burning outside. Strangely, it seems the ash from the fire isn't entering the temple… why is that? While deep in thought, I feel a hand on my forehead and, soon after, a stream of cold water down my face, neck and back. 

"I'm so glad you're okay, (Y/n)! I was scared I wouldn't make it in time. Here."

Link? Yeah. Link hugs me tightly and then hands me a bottle of water. I take it and practically chug it down, desperate to get rid of the dryness from the heat and the ash. I feel him hug me again, making me spill some water out of my mouth from his sudden action. I put the bottle down and hug him back. He's alive and has probably been through a lot today, just like I have. It also seems like he's all alone, which would probably make it all the more terrifying. No wonder he's happy to see someone he recognizes. I squeeze him a little harder, trying to comfort both him and myself. He nuzzles his head in between my neck and shoulder, letting out a heavy breath and a few sobs. I stroke his back as a burning sensation begins in the back of my eyes. This whole situation is insane. We're still practically strangers, and yet here we are, embracing each other just to feel some semblance of comfort and security. He finally pulls away, wiping away his tears.

"Sorry. Sorry, it's just that I'm so overwhelmed with everything…"

"It's alright, trust me, I understand. Anyone would be…"

I give him a light smile and he returns it.

"Um, thank you so much, for saving me. For a moment I really thought I was screwed."

"I'm happy I was able to save you. But, why are you here? It's very dangerous."

"Rusl asked me to bring back some crucial supplies for the villagers. What happened to you? What's with your attire? And what are you doing here?"

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