Chapter 13: Challenge Accepted!

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Luda and I follow behind Link. I see a strange shaped shadow over his shoulder. Alright I've seen this thing multiple times now, I can't be that crazy. It has to be something real. I should ask him about it at some point, he wouldn't judge me, right?

"Hey, (Y/n)? Do you see that shadow too?"

"Oh! I'm so glad you said that! I was scared I was just seeing things. Hehe, it might be a demon that Link sold his soul to, to defeat the Gorons!"

"I know right! Haha!"

We giggle together, which seems to catch his attention. I'm so glad she mentioned it! I am not crazy after all!

"What're you guys laughing about?"

"Oh nothing, just laughing maniacally for no reason, as we do."

He turns his head, eyebrow raised quizzically. He shrugs and giggles, facing forward again. 

"Fine then, keep your secrets."

Luda giggles again.

"We were just wondering what that shadow on your shoulder is. Is it a girl? Who is she?"

Huh, kids just don't care, do they? They just go right out with it. I've got to respect that. He looks over his shoulder at us.

"What?! Where? I don't see anything!"

He looks around frantically, as if he was searching for what we saw. Somehow, I don't buy his performance, it's too forced to be genuine.

"A-anyway, let's go!"

He power walks farther into the mines. 

"Huh? But she was just there…"

"She was… Weird. I'm telling you, demon!"

Luda and I laugh out loud as we catch up with him again. We come across a room filled with some water and a small cliff on the other side of it.

"Well, looks like we'll have to swim over."

Link and Luda nod. I stand still, not really thrilled about having to get my suit wet. He probably noticed my hesitation because he goes ahead of me. I sigh. Oh well. 

"Luda, are you good at swimming? Do you think you can make it over to the other side?"

"Mhm! Yup! I can."

"Awesome! Let's go then."

We jump in, Luda in front of me. We reach the cliff where Link waits for us. 

"Okay. Now, how do we get up there?" He asks. 

"Lift me up? Then I can pull Luda up, then you?"

He nods and motions for me to step on his hands. I do so, but he seems to struggle lifting me up. So he can stop a Goron mid roll, but he can't lift me up?!

"What happened to your superhuman strength?!"

"Sorry, you're heavier than I expected."

"Excuse me?! I am definitely not nearly as heavy as a damn Goron, Mister 'let me casually fling around these boulder people real quick'!"

"Uh… right…"

He grunts as he lifts me up enough for me to climb to the top. He lifts Luda and I reach down to pull her up. Link then springs himself up and I catch his arm, also pulling him up. We enter a room where a really small, elderly Goron stands with his cane, steam coming out of some craters in his rocky back. 

"Ah! I thought I felt another presence. How lovely a surprise to see young humans! Word travels fast around here, yes, I know of you. Your hearts must be true if Gor Coron trusts you with such a matter. I am one of the four Goron elders. Gor Amoto is my name. Young heros, please lend this tribe your power. Take this key shard with you to unlock the chamber our patriarch lies in."

Solar Eclipse (Link x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now