Chapter 9: Mourning Night

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"Alright then. Now that that's taken care of, and we know all the children, includin' Colin, are in good hands, we should all get some well deserved rest. Thank you for offerin' to protect the kids, (Y/n), even if we didn't end up havin' to. Means much to us."

"Of course. As long as I'm here, I might as well try to be as useful as I can be. I thank you all for allowing me to stay here and offering me necessities, I recognize that I'm a bit of a burden, one you're not particularly close to even. Most certainly not as close as you all are to Link at least." 

"Nonsense! On the contrary, you, (Y/n), have been nothing short of a blessing to us! Right, Bo?"

"Nothin' short of a blessin' indeed!"

My eyes widen and my mouth opens in astonishment of their responses. 

"Oh, wow. I'm flattered."

"Haha! Look at that there lil' blush! What a sweetheart yew are, (Y/n)! Rest assured, yer help truly means a lot to us of Ordon Village, and especially to me, its mayor."

I furrow my eyebrows, close my eyes, smile sheepishly and chuckle at the mayor's compliment. He and I had made our way back to the village after the children were left in Renado's care. Now, Rusl suggests I train some more, early in the morning. And apparently he has a mission he would like to send me on after he determines that I've improved my skills enough, but first he asks me to get some good rest and prepare for some intensive training tomorrow. 

The three of us laugh together for a while, I then follow Rusl to his home, the same place he offered for me to sleep, just like the first night before the attack. Perhaps genuine kindness isn't completely dead after all.

Rusl holds the door open for me, so I step inside. All the buildings in Ordon are pretty nice, mostly wooden, like in Castle Town, but with different designs and what I believe is thatch, or some other kind of straw material, for roofs. The beds, chairs and carpet all seem to have been made with the same hair like material, likely from the goats they have here at the ranch. Nothing I'm used to seeing, especially the beds. The previous nights weren't very comfortable at all for me, I hardly got any rest, let alone 'good' rest. The only beds I've ever had were all made of thick sheep's wool with lavender petals in them for a nice soothing scent, silk sheets for warm nights and thick wool blankets for cool ones. The only blankets they have here are also made from the goats' fur, too itchy for me! He leads me into an empty room, which I can only assume is Colin's room, as there are only two rooms in the home, Colin having slept with his parents the first night I stayed. I wonder, where will the baby sleep?

"(Y/n), this mission I have for you is really important. I know you still don't think yourself a swordsman, but I assure you, I will do whatever it takes to prepare you for this trip."

"Thank you, Rusl. Thank you for your patience with me, I know I'm not the easiest to teach."

He waves my thanks off.

"It's no big deal. Especially considering that you're willing to help me protect this village. I'm more than glad you decided to stay and help us."

"I understand."

"So… Gigantic plant demon? I couldn't get that description out of my head!"

"Sounds made up, doesn't it? I'm just telling you what happened, haha! I haven't lost my sanity yet. And actually, I was incredibly confused in there. I ended up saving the shopkeeper you told me about from getting beaten to death by some purple humanoid monster. There were a lot of monsters in there, but I got us to safety in his shack, but when I looked again a few minutes later, all the monsters were gone. Whatever is going on, It really is weird."

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