Chapter 8: Think of the Children!

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UGH!!! All this stuff is so heavy! Link disappeared, and I have no idea where Oreo ran off to! Either of them would be a BIG help right about now… I let out an exasperated sigh. I hope they're both safe. Luckily, a monkey friend of Link's was kind enough to make me a sack to drag around. While it's certainly better than carrying it all on my own, it still does a number on my shoulders and back. I drop the straps made of study braided vines to massage my lower back, shoulders and, honestly, the whole of both my arms. I wish that monkey would have just helped me carry this stuff back to the village, oh well.

"Oh, hey! Look, horse, there's (Y/n)! Looks like he's still alive! (Y/n)! Over here! Your horse was freaking out, running through this area. I somehow managed to calm him down for you. What happened after you left to freak him out so much?"

"CORO! YOU FOUND OREO! Oh, I'm SO glad! You have no idea! Um, yes. So, a part of the forest was burning down when we went to the temple. All the animals were stampeding. I almost died… But it seems to have stopped now, fortunately. I managed to get some charcoal from the burnt up bark too, see!"

I perk up, grinning, holding up a small sample in a tiny bag made of leaves and vines that Monkey made me as well. Monkey having helped me gather the charcoal too. 

"WOAH! Is that true?! Well…  good thing you got out okay."

"YES! I know right! If it weren't for-"


His scream immediately elevates my heart rate. I instinctively draw my blade and turn back, expecting to see one of those monsters.

"Link! Oh goddesses, I almost had a heart attack…" 

I take in deep breaths, not realizing that I held in my breath that whole time. But, it's him! He's safe too! That's great! Now I don't have the weight of concern and guilt anymore. 

"Oh, it's just you, guy. I thought you were a wolf for a second there, startled me, haha! Your clothes are different, so maybe that's why… Might also have been the weed."

Coro mumbles the part about weed. Haha! I knew it! Wait, he thought Link was a wolf? Hm… Could it be? Nah, werewolves ain't real.

"What happened? Why did you run off like that? Where did you go? I'm just incredibly confused… "

"You didn't have to do ANY of that. It might be better if you stay in the village." He says.

He looks to the ground and away from me. Guilt. Definitely guilt. And possibly something else? I'm not sure. Is he bothered that I went with him into the temple?

"Trust me, I'd like to avoid danger, but I can't go back home if I can't defend myself. And I NEED to get there, now more than ever."

He stares into space, probably thinking about something. I wonder what.

"Okay. Well, I'm headed to Death Mountain. Let Rusl and everyone else know I'm okay. Please, be careful."

"Death Mountain? Near Kakariko? For what reason?"

"Just… something I need to get."

I nod. I suppose he isn't comfortable telling me more. I wonder why. Well, I'll have to deal with it. Afterall, it's not like I'd be willing to tell him some stuff in detail either.

"Understood. But, you must stay vigilant too, I don't want you to be eaten by another plant, demon, thing. Next time I won't be there to stop it from choking you and who knows what else." I tease.

He chuckles, blushing. I smile warmly at him, then look down briefly before gazing into his eyes again. 

"Promise I won't." He ensures.

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