Chapter 30: (L) Nature's Lullaby

177 14 19

Word count: 2,020

Key: (f/a)=favorite animal

Epona's hooves clomp and clash with the wet grass and dirt as she races through the field. On our way to find a place to crash around Lake Hylia for the night, it suddenly started pouring rain. We've got no clue where we could possibly take shelter, and so we became absolutely drenched in rain. 

"Look, Link! I think it's a house!" (Y/n) says as thunder roars all around us.

"Cool! Let's see if they'll let us crash there, at least until the storm passes."

I have Epona trot over to the house on the hill, making sure to stop under the ledge to shield us from the storm a bit. (Y/n) walks up to the door and knocks loudly, as I attempt to dry Epona off.

"Hello? Oh, dear!"

A pretty strangely dressed man with red hair done up, opens the door. He wears a small, tight, extremely cropped lime green shirt that resembles something like a bra, it has long sleeves that puff out above his forearms, only covering his nipples really; and some puffy, orange with yellow polka dotted pants with flapping bits sticking out of the thighs. Uh… it's certainly… a look.

"Hello, I'm (Y/n) and this is Link. We were traveling through Hyrule in search of the desert, but it got late and well, we clearly need a place to stay, hehe!" He says, sheepishly rubbing his neck and giving a small smile.

"You're both soaked to the core! Come in, come in! Oh! Your horse! Let me open up the stable for her." He says, pulling us inside and proceeds to lead Epona over to his small stable.

"Well, he seems friendly enough!" (Y/n) says.

"Yeah, I guess. We're lucky he let us in with how soaked we are." I say.

"Yeah, haha!" 

"Oh, here you go, poor things!" He comes back handing us some towels and blankets.

"Thank you! What should we refer to you as?" (Y/n) asks him.

"Ah! You may call me Falbi! I run this fun little cucoo game here! Oh! Would you like a change of clothes? Those wet rags surely are uncomfortable…" He says with a bit of a grimace.

"Yeah that's a good suggestion." (Y/n) says and I nod in agreement. 

"Yes, indeed. Hand me what you'd like me to wash and I'll get that done for you both right away! I have many spares of many sizes, surely some of them will fit." He says as we hand him our soaked clothes.

"I'll be right back!" He leaves us to dry ourselves out.

We finish drying off and huddle together under a large fluffy blanket.

"So, Falbi, eh? Good thing we found him when we did." I say.

"No kidding! I'm actually shocked by his courtesy. Most people would hate the idea of two soaking wet strangers dirtying up their floors, let alone wash and dry out our clothes for us."

"Really? You think so? I'm not surprised." I say.

"Hm, I guess people outside of Castle Town are less self absorbed. I've never really thought about it."

"Yeah, you'd be surprised. I mean everyone at Ordon welcomed me with open arms, so, as far as I'm aware most people are at least considerate." I say with a smile.

"Maybe you're right. Either way, hopefully he comes back with some really warm clothes. I'm freezing! And I hate being wet, cold, and exposed…" He says with a little frown, shivering and clutching the blanket.

Solar Eclipse (Link x Male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt