Chapter 26: (L) Revelations

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Zelda. Please, please, please be able to help Midna!

"Princess Zelda." (Y/n) says.

She turns to us and looks at Midna in (Y/n)'s arms.


She runs over to (Y/n), reaching her hand out to hold Midna's cheek.

"Please, Princess Zelda! Please help Midna! She was hit with strong light, and now she's... Oh, right... she probably doesn't understand what I'm saying either..."

"Princess, she needs help. She looks like she's on the brink of death... What can we do to save her?" (Y/n) asks.

I don't know how he knew I was me in this form, but it's a good thing he did and decided to help us. Does that mean he knew the whole time? He did somehow notice Midna's presence when she was hidden in the shadows, but so did Luda... How?! I'll ask him later.

"The light burned away all her darkness. It's like not being able to breathe. She's from the Twilight realm. Just being in the world of light puts her life at risk..." Zelda says.

"P... Princess... Please, remove the evil... placed in him. This... is the one... you need him... to save your world! That's why... Princess... Please..."

"Why are you so worried about me when you're the one who is DYING?!!" I bark and growl.


She ignored me... How frustrating!

"Midna. Only you can save your people and the world of light... We need you... Your world... Your people, need YOU... . I cannot repair the damages of my failure, not alone. I... need you.... Midna."

"Yeah! Exactly! I need your help Midna! You can't give up!"


(Y/n) goes quiet again, glancing between Midna and Zelda. I wonder what he's thinking? He must be so confused... Like I was when I met Midna. I wish I could explain everything to him. I should've explained it all earlier! I'm so dumb! Wait. Why didn't Midna want him to know about it anyway?

"... I'm strange... Why should I care about the world of light? The people in the world of light always betray us... They cast away the Twilight realm. No matter how deeply we care... They never care back. I don't care about the world of light. I wish it would fall to ruin. It's a fitting punishment for their neglect of the Twilight realm... At least, that's what I've always thought. But, as I'm at death's door... Why is it that I... I'm worried about the world of light?"

Huh? Midna was betrayed by someone from the world of light? Could that be why? She doesn't trust us. I'm sorry Midna... no wonder she didn't treat me well even though she needed my help, it's still not okay, but at least I understand why now. I wish she'd told me though...

"Midna... I'm sorry. I'm so, very sorry."

"You needn't apologize, Princess. It was your ancestors who did horrible things. That much I understand. You've committed no sin. But... I'm the one who pulled this boy into the fight. I don't know what will become of the world of light... But... Before I die, please help Link."

Our ancestors?

"... Link? So your name is Link..."

I nod.

"Yes, that is his name." (Y/n) answers for me.

"Nevermind me. Please! Princess, help Midna! Ugh! Still can't hear me..."

"And you are?"

"My name is (Y/n)." He says, bowing as much as he can while holding Midna.

"(Y/n). Ah, yes. I know your father. Thank you for helping Midna and Link reach me. Listen closely, the light that shines darkness into this world... can be quelled with the power of magic. Go to the land protected by the spirit Faron. Find the sacred forest meadow. There you'll find a sword crafted by the wisdom of the ancient sages. A sword to repel evil- the Master Sword. The Master Sword is so holy that evil creatures cannot touch it. You should be able to use that sword to remove the shadow curse. However... powerful beings protect the sword in the sacred forest meadow. If you can't get through and you're in trouble, show them your crest. That should earn you passage." She says staring at me and (Y/n).

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