Chapter 10.5: Who Is This?!

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Just a heads up, this chapter is 5,810 words long. It's just a shift in perspective.

(h/c) = hair color
(h/t) = hair type (ex: curly, straight, wavy)
(e/c) = eye color


"Do not think that Hyrule is now saved from the spread of twilight… Leave these woods and go to the west, where you will find land protected by another spirit. There you will find those you seek… But know that these lands lie in twilight… They are now a dark realm covered by the clouds of dusk… If you set foot beyond the curtain of twilight… you will revert to your beast form, so be prepared…  Hero chosen by the gods, leave these woods and go west…"

"That's better. Searching should be much easier now. Eee hee! But… of course, you feel the need to go help the other light spirits, don't you? Well, don't worry. When you turn into a beast again, I'll take good care of you. I'll help you out once you find that place."

"All of this is still so sudden. I still don't know why I was chosen… Why not anybody else? Why not (Y/n)? He's put together, he's brave, he's willing to help others… Why not him?"

"You have a point. He's still stupid and annoying, but If anything, he's definitely smarter than you are, hee hee!"

"Hey! I get that you don't like my world, but really?"

"Hmph… Just go find that place already, enough wasting time."

She looks away and retreats into my shadow. I sigh. I'm just not sure I'm the right one for the job, but I have to find where they took Illia and Colin. I can't give up on them especially when they wouldn't give up on me… A place to the west, protected by the spirit Eldin, eh? Where could that be? It has to be a town or village, right?

Midna pokes out of my shadow again.

"I have a feeling the next fused shadow might be somewhere hot. I'm not sure why, but I sense something strong on a hot mountain…"

"On a mountain? Hot… maybe the volcano then? Death Mountain? I have no other idea for where it could be, so, why not?"

"Just hurry up." 

She retreats. Now, where is it? I sigh again. I miss the light-hearted atmosphere from when I was with (Y/n) in the temple, now it's all heavy again… (Y/n), he's interesting. He came from Castle Town. I wonder if he knows about Princess Zelda and the castle, probably not, right? I only met him a day or two ago? I'm not even sure, time is all weird to me now, but he was willing to risk his life to help me in the forest temple. He even saved me from being choked to death… Who is he? Someone with no friends, who has 'issues' to work out and doesn't trust people, apparently. He left Castle Town, but why? Isn't that the place almost everyone wishes they could live? He said something about gangs, is that why he left? Is Castle Town dangerous? Oh hey, there he is!

"WOAH! Is that true?! Well…  good thing you got out okay." Coro says.

"YES! I know right! If it weren't for-"

I sneak up behind (Y/n) and pop up, causing Coro to scream before I can startle him. He pulls out the wooden sword I used to save Talo and spins around. My heart stops beating for a split second. Good reflexes… He looks so serious. His face changes to relief.

"Link! Oh goddesses, I almost had a heart attack…" he says. 

"Oh, it's just you, guy. I thought you were a wolf for a second there, startled me, haha! Your clothes are different, so maybe that's why…"

Huh?! He thought I was a wolf? Does he know? I doubt it. It's just a coincidence. 

"What happened? Why did you run off like that? Where did you go? I'm just incredibly confused… " (Y/n) asks.

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