Chapter 17 (L): Memories and Mayhem

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(L) = chapters in Link's pov

Word count: 7,262

I take that Goron's suggestion to soak in their hot springs. I undress and take a deep breath, staring up at the new sky. After that fight, it's nice to relax a bit. I can't believe myself… I should've been able to figure it out quicker, then I wouldn't have put us all in danger. Am I really capable of getting the final fused shadow? Midna expects me to, but she doesn't give me much guidance when I'm struggling. (Y/n)... He has no doubts about my skills. He's risked his life to help me! He doesn't have to help me, we aren't even all that close. He knows nothing about me, yet he still sticks around to help me… he's amazing. My eyes slowly drift to where he's standing, staring me up and down with a coy smile. He looks up and our eyes meet. I'm undressed… I instinctively look away. My heart is beating faster… Ugh… Think of something else… something else… I take another look, being more subtle this time. He's looking away now. I sigh. Thanks. I get into the water and sink down. I close my eyes and breathe. I just can't deny it. Somehow, certain types of guys are just appealing to me, aren't they? It's not my fault… some guys are just… hot. It's nothing new to me, but shouldn't I only think that about women? It's not like I don't think women are hot, they definitely are. It's just… is there something wrong with me? Could it have been what I did with Darpa? If I hadn't done those things with him, would I still be this way? Did my desires overpower me? I hear (Y/n) chuckle, so I open my eyes and stare at him, expecting an answer. He doesn't say anything, just smiles. He then begins to take off his clothes. Uh… Oh Goddesses… Hot. It's hot. My face… Everything…

"You're getting in too?"

"Yeah. Do you not want me to? Is there a problem?"

He asks in such a strange… teasing way. Is he flirting with me? His eyes. Oh Goddesses, his eyes… I look away, trying not to see him undressing. Why do I feel so nervous? I'm a guy! I know how guys look. It's not like I haven't seen other guys naked, but… (Y/n) is different. Why? I know he's hot, but I think a lot of guys are hot. Heck! Darpa and I have… done things, and I've never felt this nervous around him or anyone else before. Maybe Illia, but not this much. Illia… She's still missing. I need to find her. She has to be okay. This is all weird. I need to focus… 

"N-no, that's fine. You should! It's nice! Um, thanks for your help and all with Luda and all those monsters and-"

"Ah, okay. That answers that."

Huh? What does he mean?! Does he know what I was thinking about? No way he would know… right? Is he laughing at me?

"Answers what?" I ask.

He shakes his head from side to side, smiles and dips in.

"Don't worry about it, just something my mom and I discussed."

"No, seriously! What answers what?! Tell me!"

Does he know that I am thinking about him strangely? Would he think I'm weird if he knew? Would he avoid me then? I don't want him to avoid me… Did he say he talked to his mom? Didn't he cry a lot that one night because she died? So, how did he talk to her?! I'm confused and I hate it… He still says nothing.

"Wait… Your mom? Didn't you say she passed away?" I ask.

He opens his eyes and looks at me, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Huh? Oh yeah! She did pass away, but I got to see her and speak to her again while I was out cold. It was amazing! The best thing to have ever happened to me! She said something about me becoming a spirit and that's how she was able to communicate with me again. I still don't really know what she meant, but I'm so happy about it! I no longer feel ashamed to speak to her!" 

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