Chapter 14: A Short Time for Bonding

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"Thank you for all your help, brothers. Because of your deeds, our patriarch Darbus is now freed. We are forever in debt to you both. Please let Renado know that we will allow the humans to mine again, under the condition that they do not mine in our most sacred of lands." Gor Coron says.

"Yeah! We've got some repairs to do, but soon enough our mines will be open again, and better than ever! Say, brothers, y'all are scorched! Y'all should soak in the Goron Hot Spring before leaving. Treat yourselves! Y'all deserve it!" The same Goron that helped us suggests.

Link and I glance at each other, and shrug, smiling. Sure! Why the hell not? We make our way down to the Goron Hot Spring. Something about having defeated such a monstrous creature makes the dreary sky a real treat to see again. Once we arrive, he begins to undress to get in, undoing the belt around his waist, holding up his scabbard and shield. He places his stuff on the ground and pulls off his tunic, revealing his upper body. So, I did see abs while he was wrestling with Gor Coron. The nice kind too, light and flat. He's definitely more on the lean side compared to Edun, but he's got a fair amount of muscle mass too, more toned, really. More my type. He takes a quick glance in my direction, but quickly looks away. Oh shit! I'm being creepy! I look over the hot spring and the small geysers occasionally erupting from the ground. He dips into the water and closes his eyes. He has such a beautiful face: high, smooth cheekbones; small chin; small nose; long eyelashes. His lips are pretty thin, but still a bit plump. His face is pretty flat, not much definition. I really like his ears too, the length and point to them really suit him, those blue hoop earrings also look great on him! I chuckle to myself. He opens his eyes at my laughter. I want to join too! I smile at him as I slowly begin to discard my tailcoat suit. If there's any chance he could be into me, his reaction has to give it away! He gulps as he watches.

"You're getting in too?"

"Yeah. Do you not want me to? Is there a problem?"

I proceed to remove my shirt, then boots and pants. He shifts his eyes around a little frantically, slightly flushed, looking anywhere but at me. I smile. Good signs!

"N-no, that's fine. You should! It's nice! Um, thanks for your help and all with Luda and all those monsters and-"

"Ah, okay. That answers that."

I can't say for sure, but my odds are looking good! I can't help but grin as I get into the hot spring with him, placing my arms above my head, stretching and sinking down. These past few days have taken a greater toll on me than I thought. Ugh... I haven't even realized how gross I feel, not having bathed in all that time, and then some! This is such a nice treat.

"Answers what?"

I shake my head.

"Don't worry about it, just something my mom and I discussed."

My grin widens and I look up at the sky. It's darker, so I'm assuming it's around night time. Rusl was right, the sky does look pretty weird now.

"No, seriously! What answers what?! Tell me!"

Even more good signs! I'm no expert, but I think I've been with enough closeted guys to have a good enough idea. I giggle and simply shake my head without saying anything. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to relax.

"Wait... Your mom? Didn't you say she passed away?"

I open my eyes to look at him. Did I not tell him that I saw my mom?

"Huh? Oh yeah! She did pass away, but I got to see her and speak to her again while I was out cold. It was amazing! The best thing to have ever happened to me! She said something about me becoming a spirit and that's how she was able to communicate with me again. I still don't really know what she meant, but I'm so happy about it! I no longer feel ashamed to speak to her!"

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