Chapter 5: A New Old Skill

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"I have no idea what happened! I'm so sorry, dear." Uli states, confounded by the situation.

"Are you alright!? No beasts came close?" Rusl replies.

"No, that's why I don't know how it's gone. One second it was there, and the next, it wasn't!"

"Oh, thank goodness. But that means it must be here somewhere!"

Before training, Rusl wanted to give me the sword that was intended to be a gift for Princess Zelda's coronation. He is frantically searching around the house for it.

"Actually, I think It would be better if I trained in hand to hand combat. I have a more positive history with that than I do sparring with blades"

"Hm… I specialize in swords, and I think that'd be best to teach you."

Damn, said just like my father… 

"We don't have the time for this. We've got to find another sword for you. Ah! I gave one to Link before… I'll go check his house. Hopefully it will be there." Rusl says.

His eyes light up at the realization of where a sword could be, but they quickly falter. A frown, clear as day, creeps onto his face. He must feel incredibly guilty to essentially replace Link with me, not even knowing if he survived the attack. It truly does feel as though I am a poor replacement for him. Whatever role he was supposed to have in this village has now fallen to me.

"Good news lad! The wooden sword is here! Now, we have to get started!"


Rusl takes me down… again. If this were a real fight, I'd most certainly be dead by now. I tried to warn him, I'm hopeless.

"I told you… There's no use. Don't waste any more of your time, Rusl." 

I say, defeated, gaze focusing on the now strange dreary sky and dark grey clouds that had appeared since the attack.

"You don't give yourself enough credit, lad. You're doing just fine. You managed to get past my defenses! Don't go thinking I'm some amateur! You've got plenty of potential! Are you just going to give up now?"

I sigh and sit up, finally gaining the courage to look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry, It's just… I've practiced since I was ten years old, until… six months ago. And I've been attending an academy specifically for swordsmanship! I should be more skilled than this. Or, at least that's what my father says anyway…He thinks I'm weak. I suppose he's correct in thinking so."

Goddamn it. I can't just give up. I need to get better! But, no matter how many times I say that to myself, I just don't do anything different… 

"Hm… Well, you're just gonna have to prove him wrong, won't you? I certainly don't think you're weak in any sense of the word."

He holds out his hand to hoist me up. His eyes, once stern and commanding, now filled with compassion and conviction. Rusl truly does believe in me. I smile and take his hand, rising up.

"You're right. I'm ready to give it another try!"

We stare at each other in understanding and new found determination.

"Hurry up and get moving, dog!"

Both our eyes widen at the unfamiliar voice.

"Who said that? Show yourself!" Rusl demands.

"Was that someone from the village? I don't recognize her voice."

"I don't think so. I've never heard anyone who sounds like tha- A WOLF?! HOW?! SCRAM BEAST!"

Rusl waves around the pitchfork he was using to train me at the wolf. It worked? It did! The wolf just ran away. Is it just me or did it look kind of sad? Its head was down and it's ears were flat on its skull. It also had strange markings on the fur on its head and throughout its body. I dare say, it was quite cute and beautiful, especially with its bright blue eyes. Rusl's eyes soften as the wolf retreats. Did he notice it too?

"... Alright. Let's take a break and eat something, (Y/n). We should also warn the others of the wolf."

"Yes, agreed." 

I can do it. I'm not hopeless! I can improve! I just need some time. Fuck you, Ezul! 

Solar Eclipse (Link x Male reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें