Side Ch: (L) Back to the Past

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(h/l)= hair length (if applicable)
(h/t)= hair type (curly, straight, wavy, etc. And also can include shiny, smooth, coarse etc. Whatever really lol!)

(Y/n) Alsun… Alsun. Why does that name sound so familiar?

The Lost City, 3 years ago.

“Link! Come on! The Rufurios are waiting for everyone to turn up for some speech or something. You don't always have to do extra training, ya know? Hurry, before Master Kimtana yells at us!”

“Oh. Got it. Coming, Rioma!”

The Rufurio family showed up today, huh? Must be something really important for all of them to come here just to give a speech. Is it gonna be about the new monsters that have shown up? I hope so. I don't know what's going on out there in the desert, but it is our job to be protectors. We are the first line of defense for Hyrule, afterall. The more we know about those things the better.

The desert always was a tragic, creepy place with a lot of dangerous monsters and beasts. In its past, it was basically an execution arena for all who betrayed the Hylian royal family. They say that it's where a very powerful, ancient demon king was once banished and executed. They also say that the same demon king's soul still lives on, giving power to the monsters and hateful spirits that wander around the desert. Is all that true? How would I know? But something big is happening here for sure. In just a few months, the monsters have become far more powerful than ever. They're giving me a lot more trouble than before and just a few weeks ago, a soldier was lost to one of them. They called it the Devil Sword. I've never seen it, luckily. However, I know I need to be ready to face down anything, no matter how strong it may be. That's why I've made it a habit to do some extra training everyday. I have to keep my home safe, my friends safe. If I fail to do so… I don't know what will happen.

“Welcome friends, family, and comrades . As you all should know by now, we have recently lost a dear beloved soldier to a demon of sorts. Yes, a demon. Now, do not panic, dear subjects. We have already sent out more than qualified and experienced units to investigate the incident. In the meantime, we acknowledge our fault in providing you all with sufficient training and resources to fight such threats. We deeply apologize for our oversight in such critical matters. It is because of our lack in knowledge of threats that inhabit our own land, that we have lost not only a soldier, but a friend, a father, a husband… a loved one. So, today we have brought forth an impeccably experienced warrior whom has had run-ins with such powerful beings and has graciously offered to train you all in how to combat grave threats as such. Everyone, please welcome, Master Ezul Alsun.” Lady Shisu Rufurio announces.

A pretty short, older man with (h/c) hair and amber eyes walks toward the podium. His short white cape with the Hylian royal crest sewn in gold flows with the wind, on his side rests a fancy looking sheath holding a similarly fancy long sword inside it. Following him seems like a short boy around my age with (h/l), (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. He's wearing a white tailcoat suit with golden pieces sewn here and there, and a sheath similar to the older man's but shorter. I guess he's his protégé or something.

“Hello all, I'm very grateful to stand among you for these next few weeks. As Madame Rufurio has mentioned, there are threats among us that we must analyze further. But as luck may have it, I have defeated a few of these such threats myself. I've got some very valuable experience that I must share with all the land of Hyrule. The soldiers in training in particular must be given such knowledge. I will guide you all to a better understanding of what looms around the darkest corners of this beautiful land. Fear not, we can overcome these threats! Together we must march forward into a proper camaraderie among all Hyrulean soldiers, strong enough to protect our kingdom. Starting early tomorrow morning, I shall lead the soldiers, and especially the future soldiers, of this city in the ways of handling the unknown and unpredictable. Thank you.”

Everyone cheers and claps at his speech. Hm… so he's fought these things before, eh? That's reassuring! We can definitely handle these things, we have to be able to. There's no other way. The two of them walk off the podium and Lady Shisu returns.

“I expect all the trainees to cooperate well with Master Alsun. That is all. Dismissed.”

“Woah… Guess we're gonna have some tough shit to get through for a while, huh?” Darpa says.

“Yeah, it seems like. I sure hope Master Alsun will be reasonable to work with. If he's anything like Master Kimtana, this is gonna suck royally…” Rioma says.

“He! Professor balls! HAH!”

“Shut up, Darpa. You know that's not his name.” Rioma says.

“Eh, whatever! It may as well be with how much he sucks at ‘teaching’, ugh. I sure hope he won't be like him! If he is, he'll definitely hear some choice words from me! And maybe some choice moves too!” Darpa responds with a mocking accent and wide grin.

“No you won't, tough guy! I'm NOT gonna get punished by Lady Rufurio because of you again!” Rioma scolds.

“It was just one time! You don't always gotta be so uptight! Besides, you know you had fun! Live a little!”

“We trespassed on the private garden of the Rufurio's and YOU decided it'd be a GREAT idea to petnap their daughter's dog!! I'm surprised she didn't outright exile us!” Rioma fumes.

“I was gonna give him back, it was harmless! Haha!”

“It wasn't harmless to me, prick! I never wanna do royal maid duty at her house ever again…”

Darpa lightly punches Rioma's arm with a grin across his face as Rioma scowls at him.

“You're so shameless.” I laugh in a half defense of Rioma.

“Well, whatever. Just don't do anything stupid, please! You jackass.” Rioma sighs.

“Alright, alright.”

Darpa bursts out laughing, and I lightly chuckle along with him.

“UNDERSTOOD! Alright?! Rare is the day you'll listen to me, isn't it? I'll be back in a moment, I need some fresh air… ah!”

A voice is heard yelling nearby and I stop laughing as someone bumps into my pretty hard, making me almost lose my balance.

“Oh! My apologies, I was too preoccupied to tread carefully. Are you alright?”

I turn around to see that it's the same short boy who was standing next to Master Alsun.

“Uh… it's alright. Im okay…”

He nods and continues walking. Woah… seeing his (e/c) eyes up close… and his hair… Wow, he looks very good.

Rioma and darpa's snickering behind me catches my attention.


“Cat got your tongue or something?” Rioma chuckles.

“Huh?! No! What do you… I… ugh! I've got to go finish my training!”


Hope y'all enjoyed this small side chapter! I've been very busy focusing on my parents' health, working and getting everything done and ready with moving states. So needless to say, I haven't really been doing much for this fanfic. But I very much still love it and have plans for it! It'll be a big shift but I'll figure out a way to keep working on it until it's done. Thanks for reading! :)

Happy eclipse day!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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