Chapter 22: Grieving Sons

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AN: thank you all for being so patient :)
I'll continue to do my best to get out chapters about every 2 weeks!

Word count: 2,705

I open my eyes to see the rich golden yellow, warm pink, fiery orange, deep purple, and dark blue hues mix in the sky, a few shimmering stars scattered around shining their brilliance, the sun and moon visible high up in the sky, the sun hiding behind some dark clouds somewhere, it's light barely breaking through the thick atmosphere. Twilight is actually really beautiful… I Iook down to my chest. He's sleeping on me again. So warm. It's nice to hold him like this. It's really nice. I want to touch him so badly, but I don't want to overstep anything. There's so much I'd like to do to you, Link… Oh, if you'd let me. And you just might. He turns his head and buries it into my shoulder. Goddesses, I just want to squeeze him tightly! I run my fingers through his hair a few times and he stirs a bit, scrunching his eyes, lifts his head and looks at me, a thin string of drool running down from the edge of his lip, connecting to my undershirt. 

"Morning, (Y/n)! Feeling better today?"

I chuckle at his dopey eyes and fluffy bed head.

"Good morning to you too, Sleepy Head. Were you aware that you drool?"

"Huh?! No I don-"

He wipes his lips, realizing that I'm right. 

"Oh… I do." He says.

"Yeah! You got some on my shirt."

I chuckle. I can't help but smile today. I still don't know exactly what these emotions are, but I have a good feeling about the situation overall. Maybe there isn't much of a need to be so anxious about our relationship in the end. I may be overthinking it. 

"It's okay, I also do." I reassure him.

"Haha! Rich Boy isn't all that classy afterall." He teases.

"You sure like being on top of me, don't you?"

"Hehe, yup!" 

Shaking my head, I push his own head away from me as I stretch my arms in the air and yawn.

"You're too much! Enjoy it now that you can, haha!" I say.

"Oh! Hey, (Y/n), we need to tell Ralis what happened to his mom."

"Hm? Who is Ralis? What happened to his mom? I'm confused. I blacked the fuck out yesterday, I have no idea what the hell happened after that."

"Oh, yeah, um, so Ralis is the Zora boy and his mom was Rutela. She was the Elder Queen of the Zora tribe, but she was… executed by the shadow servants… I need to get the Zora armor to get to the Lakebed Temple."

… Huh? The injured boy's mom was a queen? She was executed?! He needs to go to the bottom of a lake? How the hell will he do that without drowning? I'm assuming, if I follow the pattern thus far, it has to do with the huge monsters he's been fighting.  

"Whoa… slow down. So we're gonna tell the kid, who we just saved yesterday, that his mom is dead? By execution… And then you need what? To go where exactly? A lakebed? You know you're not a fish, right?"

He looks at me in utter disbelief. Oh, I feel the judgement. I said something weird… But he smiles and laughs immediately afterwards, so I suppose it's not all that awful.

"Right, I think I'm a fish. Yeah, no. I know I'm not a fish, (Y/n) Alsun. That's why I need the special Zora armor. Y'know what, don't worry about it, just get ready. The sooner I get it done the better."

I can't help but laugh and blush, hiding my face from embarrassment. I'm really not all that in it today, am I? I'm not usually this bad at speaking. So awkward…I need more rest…

Solar Eclipse (Link x Male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt