Chapter 24: Uncertain Future

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A large, glowing, semi transparent serpent like creature breaks through the little lake at the bottom of the cavern, staring down the tall masked man in a cloak. He lifts his sleeve up, pointing toward the luminescent golden serpent, ejecting some sort of force that makes Illia and I shield our faces.




He also manages to blow Link down and the serpent away, lowering his sleeve as the serpent disappears back into the water below, as if he somehow pushed the snake down with his mind alone. What the hell? Who is this guy?! Could he be the 'Shadow King' Link was talking about back in Kakariko? Woah... I turn, looking around the whole area. Did... did the world just change color or something? Ah! It's like what I saw surrounding Castle Town when I left! Shifting my vision back to the ledge where Link was, a wolf lays down where he once stood, along with... Wait! That's the shadow thing I've been seeing, isn't it?! Is the wolf Link? Did he somehow become it? What's going on?! Illia stays silent too, I suppose she's also in some kind of shock as well. Probably doesn't want to get noticed or involved, I know I don't.


The shadow being says in that same voice I heard back in Ordon while training with Rusl. Wait! That wolf! We also saw that same wolf! The same markings and everything! Is it really Link? Magic maybe? But magic isn't real... right? And who is the shadow girl?! I'm seriously gonna need some answers soon. Yet, Illia and I stay still atop of Oreo, who I think is also in some sort of shock too, left unmoving.

"Did you honestly mean to take an ancient and withered power like this and turn it against me? You are a foolish traitor, Midna."

Midna! So that IS her name. An ancient power?

"Why do you defy your king?" He continues.

King. So he must be the Shadow King! Shit... how can he just levitate her like that in midair without touching her? Just what exactly is this guy capable of?

"MY KING?! You, who do nothing but abuse the magic of your tribe? You must be joking!"

Alright, so she's on our side, that's a relief. Magic... so it is.

"How dare you?! Are you implying that my power is... our old magic? Now THAT is a joke!"

He then seemingly slams her into the ground with his mind, so hard it causes debris to fly outside the cavern toward us. Holy shit... I gulp.

"AGUH!!" She yelps.

Their old magic? What are they talking about?

"This power is granted to me by my god! It is the magic of the King of Twilight, and you WILL respect it!"

He charges up a red orb that rapidly grows in size and aura, the wolf wakes and jumps into the orb. The whole cavern fills with a blinding flash.


Oreo cries. Startled into action, he dashes into a gallop away from the cavern. I immediately hold tightly to the reins and Illia holds tightly to me as Oreo sprints the absolute fastest I've ever felt him sprint. He must be terrified. What was all of that? Seriously, what did I just witness? King of Shadows? His god? King of Twilight? Ancient magic? Just what exactly have I gotten myself into? Hold on, 'King of Twilight'? Isn't he the King of Shadows? So who is the King of Twilight then?! Is he even MORE powerful?! Alright... chill... Don't freak out. Everything's going to be alright.

Oreo continues to race across the Bridge of Lake Hylia into Hyrule Field. Where could he be going?


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