Chapter 27: (L) Setting Light to the Darkness!

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AN: Hey guys, I know shit is tense, scary and infuriating right now with the war between Ukraine and Russia. I just wanted to provide some resources of ways we can all help the Ukraine if possible, for those who are able to and wish to. If you aren't able to help out, I understand, it's completely okay, I myself am unable to help out much right now, which is why I feel the need to share these resources that my friends provided. Feel free to share them yourselves too. Thank you and take care. 

Save life (veteran rehabilitation) 

Fight for Right (help for people with disabilities) 

Everybody can (helping volunteers) (site can be translated to English) 

Neighbor in Need (help for refugees) (site can be translated to English) 

Caritas (humanitarian help for those impacted by hostilities and natural disasters) (can be translated) 

Children's Voices (psychological and psychosocial help for children) 

I hope you enjoy this chapter and it can help ease some worries.

Try to do something you enjoy today :)

I know I'll be drawing and gaming a lot lol!


"What is that golden barrier around the castle?" (Y/n) asks.

"Bad news, that's what. Come on, we have to hurry and get that sword to break the shadow curse on Link!"

"Right! Come on Oreo, just a little farther."

Just a little longer until I can really defeat Zant!


We're finally at the first bridge to Ordon! We're almost there! Just another field more.

"So, I hate to ask these questions, I'm sure it's a brother explaining it all, but what exactly is the 'Twilight realm' and the magic fountain that Princess Zelda was talking about? And what is the crest that Link and Princess Zelda share? I'm just a bit lost and trying to catch up…" (Y/n) asks.

"Uh, it's a bit of a long story… right now I… we just need to focus on getting that sword. You'll come to understand soon enough." Midna says.

"Alright. I'm unsatisfied, but I agree. First we should rid Link of his curse."

I'm sorry, (Y/n). I should've just followed my instinct and told you. I knew you wouldn't have judged me. Oh! This is it! Faron Woods. 

"Perfect! We're here. Now to find that damned sword." Midna says. 

"Awesome, but how exactly are we supposed to find where it is? This forest is huge!"

Hmm… the Master Sword. Sacred meadow. Where could that be? (Y/N) has a point, Faron Woods is big…

"I don't know, but we won't get any closer to finding it by standing around."

Ah-ha! Maybe it's in the Forest Temple somewhere! It's a good place to start looking, anyway. I bark at them and excitedly wag my tail.

Solar Eclipse (Link x Male reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat