Chapter 19 (L): A Queen's Promise

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AN: Alright! So, It's been a long time and I've had the worst writer's block ever (in a good way tho lol) and I think I know the main reason why lmao! A very crucial part is coming up very soon and I think I've just been in too good of a mood lately to do it justice, and maybe that's why I've stared at my screen for hours and only been able to write a few sentences lol! (And also being easily distracted with games, music, and drawing XD) Anyways, I've talked to myself about it a little and feel more comfortable with the fact that the crucial part might not be as good or as impactful as I want it to be, and that I just need to keep going, otherwise I'll stay stuck until I get inspiration (and that won't work out too well in the professional world, so yeah).

Anyways! I apologize again. Please enjoy the fan art lol! I definitely will see this story to the very end. Here's the next chapter, not particularly important or powerful but I just really needed to get something out at this point.


I wake up to see (Y/n)'s face staring back at me, slightly smirking.

"Morning, (Y/n)! Feeling better today?"

He chuckles.

"Good morning to you too, Sleepy Head. Were you aware that you drool?"

Hm, so he's still gonna stick to that nickname, eh?

"Huh?! No I don-"

I wipe my lips.

"Oh... I do." I say.

"Yeah! You got some on my shirt."

He chuckles again, smiling. He's so giddy and playful today. I like it.

"It's okay, I also do." He says.

"Haha! Rich Boy isn't all that classy afterall."

He smirks.

"You sure like being on top of me, don't you?"

"Hehe, yup!" I tease.

He shakes his head, pushing mine to the side playfully and then stretches out.

"You're too much! Enjoy it now that you can, haha!" He says.

"Oh! Hey, (Y/n), we need to tell Ralis what happened to his mom."

"Hm? Who is Ralis? What happened to his mom? I'm confused. I blacked the fuck out yesterday, I have no idea what the hell happened after that."

"Oh, yeah, um, so Ralis is the Zora boy and his mom was Rutela. She was the Elder Queen of the Zora tribe, but she was... executed by the shadow servants... I need to get the Zora armor to get to the Lakebed Temple."

"Whoa... slow down. So we're gonna tell the kid, that we just saved yesterday, that his mom is dead? By execution... And then you need what? To go where exactly? A lakebed? You know you're not a fish, right?"

I look at him and shake my head but a small smile pulls at my lips and a little laugh gets out.

"Right, I think I'm a fish. Yeah, no. I know I'm not a fish, (Y/n) Alsun. That's why I need the special Zora armor. Y'know what, don't worry about it, just get ready. The sooner I get it done the better."

He laughs, blushes, and hides his face in the covers. He looks back up at me. I love his smile. Awe!

"Don't 'Alsun' me mister, I will sue you! Haha! But alright, I know better than to question you, hehe! I think I still need more sleep, oh well. Let's go tell Ralis that his mom... Oh shit..."

"Yeah... come on. He'll need some support."

He nods. I guess he's still a bit drowsy. I get off of him and get ready to see Ralis. I don't know how the prince will react to his mom's death... He's been through so much as it is. He's still a kid. I get changed and help (Y/n) get dressed too. We go into the main room and find Illia, Telma, and Renado looking over Ralis.

Solar Eclipse (Link x Male reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن