Chapter 15: Duties and Desires

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AN: this chapter is 4,665 words long, just a heads up.

"Shhh! You're gonna wake them up Talo. Let them sleep more."

"Yeah, yew should listen to Colin. They did a lot yesterday… It is very cute though. Hee hee!"

"Yea, yea, I get it Beth. I'm just surprised neither of 'em fell off. Heh!"

"Hee hee hee!"

Luda's giggles register in my brain. The children's muffled voices and laughter wake me up completely. I groggily crack my eyes open a smidge to see them standing at the door, staring and smiling. As I slowly try to sit up, I feel a weight on my chest that keeps me from moving. Oh, I forgot Link and I cuddled and fell asleep together last night. Still wrapped in my arm, his eyes flutter open, lazily gazing at me, his face lightly flushed. I smile at him, but soon realize why he's blushing and trying not to move. We both stay silent, pretending that we're still asleep.

"Now children, leave those two be, I've prepared lunch for everyone!"

They all quietly cheer and leave. Link almost instantly pushes himself off of me, groaning a bit, turning away, pink in the face. He heads to the restroom. He definitely felt it. I can't help but blush a bit too. Holding him so close felt so good! His hard dick was pressed against mine! It kind of hurt… In a good way. Goddesses… I'm horny. His voice is so hot… I want to jerk off… Seeing him on top of me was hot. I can easily imagine him riding me, his face, his moans… Ah! I'm such a fucking pervert! Stop it. I don't want to weird him out… It's so hot… My heart is racing. Does this mean I love him? I don't know. I wish I understood love. Fuck you, Edun! Thinking of my ex kills my mood, but I still have some minutes to go. However, muffled moans from the restroom spark my interest again. Damn it. Fucking bitch, thinks he can jerk off! What about me, huh? Ugh… I finally get out of bed and put on my suit, boots and gear. I'm just stuck waiting it out… 

"Are you ready to eat?" He asks, coming out fully clothed and armed.

I take a deep breath. Not particularly, but moving around is better than just standing.

"Yeah. Let's go eat."

I tuck and we head out with all our gear. We take a seat next to each other at the dining table. Renado had prepared smoked salmon with mashed potatoes. Lately I've been eating the best I ever have in the past few months!

"I spoke with the children this morning and they have decided that they do indeed wish to stay here for a while longer, so you can go out and look for this missing 'Illia'. What do you think of that?" Renado says.

"Illia… If they're sure that they'll be okay here, then I'd love to go looking for her!"

"I would join you, but I really should head to Castle Town like Rusl asked me to. But, I do wish you luck!"

"That's a good idea.You don't want to make Rusl mad. Haha!"  

He smiles at me and we laugh together.

"I trained with that man. Trust me, I know not to mess with him. Haha!"

After we finish eating, Renado takes us to the stables where Oreo and Epona are. We hop on our respective steeds and head to the village entrance. 

"I really hope you find her, Link. I'll see you around."

"Yeah… I do too. Hopefully you don't run into your dad. Good luck! See you later, (Y/n)."


After hours of riding through Hyrule Field and Oreo knocking down a few low tier monsters, Castle Town appears in the distance. My stomach churns at the sight of it. I've got so many mixed feelings about going back, mostly negative. The only positive thing I can think of is seeing Kem and Master Teron again. It might be hard to see Kem again though, he hardly ever leaves home. I'll just go when dad's out I guess… I hate the risk. I feel sick… I pull on Oreo's reins to halt him as we near the entrance. I jump off of him. I actually feel like vomiting… I don't know if I can do this. I look up at the towering walls of the town.  Should I leave? Should I head to Aven now? What did mom say? What is home to me? It may not be what I think it is. Hm… Well, this whole time, ever since this all started, ever since my dad threw me out like garbage. The only thing I wanted was to go there and see Toko again… Now… I'm just not certain. Will I ever be able to go back? Will things ever get back to normal? There's just so much shit to think about. 

Solar Eclipse (Link x Male reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें