Chapter 25: (L) Shadow Curse

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Holly shit I didn't think it has been this long! 6 weeks?! How did that happen? I'm sorry, this chapter is mediocre at best. I might revise it at some point, but I figured I just needed to post something lol! However, we're getting closer to the true second phase of the story! I got a pretty solid idea for the plan moving forward, with a few forks that I'm still kind of struggling to choose between, but either way I'm excited for it :D

Thank you so much for waiting this long and sticking with my story lol!

"Hey! Be careful, I just threw a black beast with a disgusting creature on it's back out there."

I hear the Goron say from inside. Oh no... what am I going to do?! Midna needs help right away! What can I do?

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me." (Y/n) says, leaving the tavern.

(Y/n)! Wait... he won't recognize me like this! But... I need someone to help me help Midna! I sit down with my head facing downward and ears back, flat on my head to seem as meek and tame as possible, hoping he won't hurt me. He wouldn't, would he? He stares at me.


What?! How does he know it's me? I stand and walk closer to him.

"Zel... Zelda... Take Link to Princess Zelda... in the tower..." Midna says.

"Princess Zelda? Hm... I think I remember Telma telling me that they believe Zelda resides in the north guard tower. There's no way the guards would let us into the castle. You know what! I might know a way, but I'm not sure it would work... Follow me, but stay in the shadows. I don't want you to get skewered by these damn soldiers."

I nod and follow along the shadows of the buildings.

"Hey! There's a demon beast on the loose, It's dangerous. Go home, kid."

"Dude! That's Master Ezul's son!"

"Don't call me 'kid', Chuck. I'm well aware. I'll be fine." (Y/n) says.


(Y/n) continues and I follow, trying my best to stay hidden. He leads me to the castle walls.

"Kem and I had found an opening in the wall behind our house, but I'm not sure if it will lead us into the castle, is the thing... Either way, we'll find out."

He pushes some bushes aside and ducks into a crack in the walls and I follow.

"Hm... this doesn't seem too helpful. It's just kind of a dead end. Here's a grate from the old sewage system though. I don't think that'll be too helpful."

I sniff around the area to see if there's a way to get in.

"Hey, you're Link, right? I am Louise."

Hm? I turn around to see Telma's white cat.

"Yeah, I am."

"You're looking to get into the castle? To see the Princess?"

She walks up to me and sniffs at Midna on my back.

"I know a way to get in, but we won't be able to open the way without (Y/n). Follow me."

I nudge (Y/n) and he turns back to see Louise. I gently bite his clothes and tug at them.

"Huh? Oh, you want me to follow? Alright."

Louise takes us through thin paths between the buildings into a small patch of grass outside of a house.

"Here. I believe there's a way into the old sewage system in that house. It should grant you access to the castle as a whole."

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