•Feathers Across the Seasons•

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Falling flakes of powder snow covers the mountain ridge in white.

In a rundown house in a ghostly village, we lean in close through the winter nights.

"The day we met, it snowed then too" you whispered with a smile.

I turn my face, flushing from the heart fire and hide into the shadow of your sleeve.

With spring coming, I sing with the twittering birds of its joyous signs.

"what a beautiful voice," you said. And those simple words made me so happy.

"if one day, I don't sound beautiful anymore, would you still love me?" I asked you.

"of course, I would," you smile kindly. Slowly, your large hand caressed my cheek.

One summer afternoon, fresh leaves aglow, you fell ill from disease.

A poor couple's livelihood cannot afford the medicine to heal you.

The next day, and the day after, I kept weaving and weaving at the loom.

Autumn's fleeting maples shed their leaves, but I will not let your life fall like those leaves.

The season passes

And the bell crickets chirp to signal the end of the summer

"such beautiful fingers," you say.

But your hand gripping my scraped fingers is too, too cold...

"if one day, my beautiful fingers are no more, would you still love me?"

"of course I would," you tell me, coughing.

Covering my stinging fingers in your large hands.

-ahh... the breeze of the sunset-

day and night, weaving by the loom

I must hurry and buy the medicine...

-cruelly blows out of the life-

a little more, just a bit longer, before the maple leaves shed

-of rotting fruit, dropping them to earth-

until my fingers stop... until I run our of my feathers...

"if one day, even if i'm no longer human... would you still love me?"

too scared, the truth remaining untold

softly, alone, I break off the last feather...

"of course I will," I smile.

embracing you, who has lost your wings

even now, I will always remember, the crane that flew so beautifully on that day...

and even now, I still love you...

hope you guys enjoy this chapter

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