•Written on wrist•

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Rapunzel scrolled through her news feed on instagram, seeing the same picture show up repeatedly.

"Tomorrow is National Crush day! Write your crushes on your left wrist. Spread the word around so everyone knows!"

Rapunzel rolled her eyes, how stupid could people get? Don't they know that if everyone knows this is happening; people are just going to try and see their wrist all day?

She couldn't deny the fact that she too would check everyone's wrist-you know, in a very secretive way. Ask to borrow a pencil, sneak a glance, look at them when they're carrying their binders, and look when they raise their hands in class.

After brushing her teeth and changing into her pajamas, she drifted off to sleep. She hated to admit it, especially since tomorrow was a Monday, but she was actually excited to see how it all turns out.


Rapunzel walked into school, looking around at everyone. She couldn't see anyone's wrist yet then she saw Merida, taking books out of her locker and walked over to her, "Hey Mer!" she smiled brightly.

Merida turned around and gave a smile in return, "Oh, hey Punz!"

"Did you see that post about writing your crushes initials on your wrist?" geez, Rapunzel. Simmer down; she was acting like a 5th grader.

Merida rolled her eyes, "Only seven times... are doing it?"

A snort came out of Rapunzel, "No, everyone knows about it, they'd all see."

"Exactly," Merida said. Just then she saw Jack and Hiccup coming down towards them and a smirk formed her face, "Hey, you know... it does seem kind of fun," she put her hands behind her back trying to secretly pull a permanent marker out of her locker.

Rapunzel with her back turned to the two boys coming down, was completely oblivious and shrugged, "I guess, I don't know maybe I'm just too scared."

"Hey Punz! Hey Mer!"

Rapunzel turned around to see Jack smiling at them with Hiccup by his side. Her eyes immediately brightened, "Hey Jack!" quickly realizing Hiccup was there, she turned to him and smiled, "Hi Hiccup!"

"You didn't answer my text last night," Jack whined joking.

Merida used Rapunzel's distraction as an opportunity to ever so gently grab Rapunzel's hand. She knew she was too distracted by Jack to feel anything.

"Sorry, I went to sleep early and didn't check my phone yet. What'd you need?"

Merida took the marker and quickly wrote two letters on Rapunzel's wrist; not too big and not too small.


"I wanted to ask if you saw the wrist thing," he shrugged.

"I was just seeing it everywhere and used it as an excuse to text you," he quickly turned red. What he said did not sound that flirty in his head.

"Oh," Rapunzel laughed softly, "Yeah, I saw it."

Merida and Hiccup just stood there giving each other smirks and "knowing glances."

"So..." Jack replied, curiosity is eating him alive.

"Did you do it?" he looked at Merida too.

"Not yet," Merida said.

"Nope," Rapunzel said, bringing up her wrists. She quickly noticed the initials. Though, and her eyes widened, "Never mind," she brought her arms to her side.

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